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2023-05-22 06:34:04




Everyone has their own life, but have you ever thought about your love life? Have you ever thought about why love life? Have you ever thought about the importance of love life?

Yes, I have wanted to. That's because I saw a story, the story of the topic is "my brokeback father". The content of the story is this: my father is only one hand, countries made a disability, allow don't pay the agricultural tax and agricultural. But the father said: "although the country to take care of, but also people with disabilities have to the best of their ability to share the country's difficult ah!" So, his every year and they pay, and pay early, good quality. Last may, the weather is as hot as fire. The wheat has been cooked, I worry about myself, but the father said with confidence, "passage today!" To the crop, after his father in making do with a hand cut the legs and feet. Then use the toe and the other one heel stacked straw together. Near noon, the father was too tired to sweat. I think: father must be very thirsty. So the home secretly. When I lifted the water back, can't help by surprise, my father has cut a lot of wheat. I go to let father drink cut again, and he said, "you drink first, till I have cut the wheat to drink again." This is my arm and father.

Story goes here. Do you like I saw in him that self esteem and self-reliant spirit, saw thousands of desire and determination for the disabled. But I finally see not these, but the meaning of life...








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