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2023-05-22 07:59:07




Fire safety starts from me

What's the most precious things in the world? There is no doubt that is the life of the people!

Everyone came to this beautiful earth, is lucky. Short life, as long as life rest, can enjoy the fresh air, warm sunshine, enjoy the family care, children's filial piety, enjoy life, changing a have a good hope.

Throughout those taken countless lives of fire accident, there are several not fire control safety consciousness, the consequences of violation of fire safety operation procedures have? There are several not disregard for our life, the pursuit of the interests of a retribution? I never believed in, the danger, the fire hazard can see, there's no way to deal with. So, why is there so much of the phenomenon of violation of fire control laws and regulations exist? The root cause, or people lack of love of life in the deep heart's core, treasure of life!

In the past year, nightmare in our hearts with a and a deep brand: the hunan hengyang fire heroic, jilin 30 malls fire of ignorance, zhejiang possessing the foolishness of fire guangdong shantou fire of bellow?? In sorrow for the deceased, money, fame, fortune, is gone, left us just pain and ponder: in front of the happiness of life, the precious life, what should we do? Is to continue to negligence? Or indulge ignorance?

A man's life only once, life is the most precious for everyone, safety is the patron saint of life. Can only cherish life, life happiness. "Hidden risks in fire prevention is better than disaster relief, responsibility is more important than mount tai", is to our care and warning, is big and I

Home work every day should be celebrated in the fusion of faith, adhere to the creed. "Fire safety is so important for us," the journey of life, we traveled together with them! Indeed, the danger is everywhere. In life road, we only depend on the crutch, "security" won't wrestling, there won't be mishaps, through ups and downs. The joy of life, the life happiness, will accompany us forever!

Don't fire control safety, even if only a little an idea, can let the happy life in danger. Fire safety knowledge poverty, fire safety consciousness weak always can let us to see, hear, site of some of the blood lesson: funing county in yunnan province primary school fire caused the fire, 2 casualties; In the past disaster at guangdong province shantou tide zone xiashan street south China hotel. The fire caused 31 people are hurt, three seriously. These tragedies, notting have is not in violation of the fire control laws and regulations, fire safety consciousness! Therefore, to cherish life, away from the fire!

"Warning, if the teacher", fire safety work is only a starting point, there is no end. Establishing a good fire safety management order, is the premise and key of our education career development. We must set up the "cherish life, away from fire" strong fire safety consciousness, vigorously promotes the four capacity building fire safety, fire safety work mentioned a higher level, to make our efforts to build a good fire safety environment.

The fire, along with the development of human beings, prosperity, stability and progress, is the most basic conditions for people's survival and development. Starts from me, far away from the fire accident, starts from the minor matter, starts from the intravenous drip! Enhance the fire safety consciousness and conception, really implement the fire safety system! I believe that we, all of you, won't make cry in this peace. "Keep away from fire, create a harmonious society" is our common goal, let us join hands

Come, more love life, pay more attention to fire safety, let we each person's heart is full of love, love yourself, love family, in order to fire safety, starts from me. To protect themselves and others safe and happy and work together!

Thank you all!











火,伴随着人类的发展、繁荣、稳定和进步,是人民生存和发展最基本的条件。从我做起,远离火灾事故,从小事做起,从点滴做起!增强消防安全意识和观念,使消防安全制度的得以真正贯彻落实!我相信,我们,在座的大家,一定不会在这种平安中制造哭泣。 “远离火灾,创造和谐社会”是我们共同的目标,让我们携起手






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