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2023-05-23 02:02:05




Teachers, students, everybody! Maybe everyone here when I was a child have such experiences: when our toddler, mother often full of love and care to give directions: "children, around in front of the stone??" ; When we want to go to school, my father would seriously behind one: "son, be careful with the cars on the road!??" While all is love, bit by bit wearing feeling. In life's journey, I wish you peace, is the eternal wish, wish you happiness, is the common hope. If a person lost their lives, he have wealth, all the happiness has lost its meaning. This sentence vividly tells us how precious life is. The former Soviet union the great author ostrovsky, after a myriad hardships in life still praise: "the most precious thing is life, life only once." Students, when we saw the blue sky under the electric power staff sketched elegantly beautiful pictures, when we praise the flashy steel dragon, you ever thought of: safety and relationship, the relationship between safety and happiness of life?

I think, the graduates are clearly know the dangers of traffic accidents. Let me give you a living example. She was a small girl and our age, due to a car accident, she was relentless seized his legs. From the age of four, her tiny body can only sit in the half a basketball with a basketball instead of legs, move forward, with my arms hard support has been worn out many basketball. When he saw the same age children are happily when carrying a bag to go to school, she is so eager to own a legs and experience the joy of learning and enrich with friend. However, for she is hurt.


各位老师,同学们,大家好!也许在座的各位小时候都有这样的人生经历:在我们蹒跚学步的时候,母亲会经常充满关爱地指点:“孩子,绕过前面的石子??”;在我们要出门上学时,父亲会在身后语重心长地叮咛:“儿子,当心路上的汽车啊!??”丝丝缕缕都是爱,点点滴滴系着情。在人生的旅途上,祝你平安――是人们永恒的祝愿,祝你幸福――是人们共同的"期盼。 如果一个人失去了生命,那么他所拥有的财富、所有的幸福也就失去了意义。这句话形象地告诉了我们生命是何等的宝贵!前苏联伟大的作家奥斯特洛夫斯基,在经历了人生的万千磨难后依然赞颂:“人最宝贵的东西是生命,生命只有一次。”同学们,当我们看见蓝天下电力五线谱勾勒出一幅幅美丽的图画时,当我们赞叹那风驰电掣的钢铁巨龙时,大家是否想到过:安全与生命的关系、安全与幸福的关系?





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