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2023-05-23 02:58:07


导语:只有一个人在旅行时,才听得到自己的声音。它会告诉你,这世界比想象中的宽阔。你的人生不会没有出口,你会发现自己有一双翅膀,不必经过任何人同意就能飞 。那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


Today is Sunday, a beautiful, clear blue skies. Mom and dad took me to travel, it's my first time to travel! I jumped for joy and danced, bewick.

I curiously asked my father, and said: "dad, where are we going to play?" "Go to you will know!" Dad replied.

Mom and dad happily brought me to a place, sit on the car, take for a long time, and to get off. Father said to me: "daughter, you carefully look at, what place is here, and think about it." I once around, people mountain people sea, very lively! Thought for a moment, I was surprised to say: "dad, this is my dream all want to go to long deer farms?" "Yes, do you know what day is today? Today is your birthday, 10!" My father say that finish, I immediately stunned, have never thought, I don't remember his own birthday, mom and dad but remember, gave me such a surprise. At this moment, I'm excited to weep, gazing at them. My mother said to me: "the silly child, don't cry. Go in and play!" We bought the tickets, ticket sister gave us the game map, map write very detailed, when what game are clearly written, how convenient!

Wow! As soon as I walked in, I saw many children playing, they are playing with sweat, with a smile on their faces. I took the map and saw there are a lot of play project, such as ferris wheel, roller coaster, merry-go-round, water cycling... All kinds of game has, from soup to nuts, everything. I came first to the merry-go-round there to play, to sit on it, the Trojan will turn left turn right, turn me dizzy, finally stopped. I to the ferris wheel to play again, I sat up, heart palpitations, ferris wheel turned slowly, I immediately closed my eyes, after a while, I quietly opened his eyes. Found that as long as I looked down and you will see all long deer farms, very spectacular, this feeling is too comfortable, like floating in the sky. At noon, we entered the animals in the theatre together, see the animal shows, mom bought a bowl of delicious beef noodles for us, it's delicious! We can see and taste with relish. After watching the show, my father took us away...

This is the first time to my most memorable trip, travel is the first time I'm ten years old birthday, also go to a place that I really want to, I will remembe










我的青春我做主作文600字 春天来了作文400字左右 新学期新计划作文500字 一次难忘的旅行作文400字 生活需要勇气作文600字 给自己的一封信600字作文 一句话的力量作文600字 伴我成长半命题作文600字 我为自己点赞作文600字 除夕作文开头结尾摘抄 微笑面对生活作文600字 坚持就是胜利作文600字 书香伴我成长作文800字 知心的话儿告诉你作文 快乐的春节作文500字 20年后的我作文400字 吃团圆饭作文300字 六年级下册英语第一单元作文 弘扬传统文化作文800字 多彩的活动作文300字 寒假我学会了什么作文 欢欢喜喜过春节作文 走亲访友作文300字 400格作文纸打印 五年级下册语文第二单元作文 人生处处有风景作文 身边的温暖作文600字 六年级下册语文第四单元作文 洗碗作文300字三年级 关于春节的英语小作文