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2023-05-23 07:20:04




This morning, I'm still sleeping in bed; Mother said: "get up little sleepies, snow, play in the snow!" I heard the word "snow", three times five divided by two immediately wear good clothes, get up play with snow.

After breakfast, I went to the sister home, sister lives in one of my brother. We play snowball fights, we went to the empty Spaces: the number of 2-1, I a person to deal with my sister and brother. They are discussing countermeasure, one minute before the start, I grabbed a handful of snow a few fast knead, hurled it to they survived. Few rounds down anyone who missed it; Suddenly I saw sister like brother right eye blink, saw the younger brother to sister, blinking in the right eye, I know that they should use strategies: younger brother, grabbed a handful of snow to me hard to me to the right a glimmer, grabbed a handful of snow to knead a few times, was sister sudden big snowball hit the face. They laughed, and I thought: this revenge don't quote. I thought of a recruit a diversion: my two hands around each take a snowball, I threw the right hand of the snowball deliberately bluff to brother, sister afraid I hit brother, looking to move to his younger brother, I grinned, snowballs conveniently put his left hand to right hand, and threw it hard to elder sister, elder sister see brother escaped, he turned his gaze back, saw the snowball flew to hide but already too late, snowball hit the sister, sister to pour in the mooring "snow".

Although I finally brave "" ", can still beat them both. But I found "36 plan" can be used in the snowball fights, really fun!








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