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2023-05-25 02:09:02




My hometown is located in zibo city huantai county, it has a "construction of the township" and "jiangbei DunLiang County" title, and there are many beautiful scenic

spot, like a phoenix lake horse step, new town Wang Yuyang ancestral temple... Are all very famous.

Horse step lake scenic beauty not only, still abounds in lotus root, hairy crab, duck eggs, etc. Because the horse step lake ducks grew up eating the lake's fish,

shrimp, so the horse step lake duck eggs especially rich nutrition. Has entered a horse on the lake, you'll be attracted by the scenery there, into the shadow of

trees, clear lake, the lake sparkle in the sunshine, like honeysuckle in full bloom. It's very fun if you're sitting in the boat tour, that is, low shore the reed,

blowing in the wind, the lake's fish leap from time to time, as we listened to the wonderful music, eating dig out from the lake of sweet and crisp lotus root, also

watching the beautiful scenery, the comfortable matter really is him. If you have the courage to your ship, that will make you more unforgettable, you can feel the

charm of the "jiangnan".

We huantai a total of 13 townships, each township has its own construction company, they built many rows of tall buildings in all parts of the country, our

grandfather and father have skills in the field of architecture, it's no wonder that is referred to as "building of the township"!

"Jiangbei DunLiang County" title is not blown out, here's a mu can produce a ton of food a year! How, number been amazing!!!!

Our little sea park also is a great place for people entertainment, in the evening, overworked of a day, people go there to relax or but again. There are our

children's park, the summer we can play in the water, fishing catch shrimps, roller, swing etc. Every time let's play of delight!

This is our beautiful hometown, if you come here will be applauded, linger!

I love my hometown.













Endless blue day lotus plants, video on lotus red ". In the far Yellow River, in the small village of peace and beauty, the He Hua scent hung in the pond, there are

bustling lotus leaf, swaying in the breeze ripples. Ears underwater sound out there in the distant, hit the white lotus, echo in the depths of the dream for a long


Along the grassy river, I look for the direction of the wind is blowing, have He Hua fragrance, accompany in my side. Along the clear water, I go look for the wind

direction, has a light fragrance, caress my confusion. In memory of the small pond, whether spring, summer, autumn, winter, always leaves the appearance of the

ground, with the gentle footsteps, rustling. Small wooden boats seem to be stopped under the tree for a long time, hung with silver silk, quietly under the tree,

seems to never run before. But a year ago the summer, and who with a long pole, after the boat went?

Night, with black bury, sunset at the moment of falling, in front of the village life up whereas smoke, I see. Then, everything disappeared in the black projected,

and is a remote cicadas, pierced the silence of the night sky. The lonesome moonlight sprinkled on the lotus leaves, reflected in the flow of water, sparkling, and

the smell of smoke in the air. Small village ZhuangZhongLiang up a lamp, lit up the endless night. Fire, lights, candle, in the quiet night, looks very bright...

Leave, the day is weaving the sky gradually, a. The sky was a fish-belly grey on the east I sat in the car, on the long road race, looking over the walls trees, and

beautiful sunrise sky......













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