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2023-05-25 02:11:02




In the spring of the drizzle intoxicating; Thick green summer is comfortable; Golden fields of autumn brings to people the joy of harvest; So winter farenheit Bai Xueze gives a person a kind of pure and beautiful dream charming scenery!

Snow, the sky a grey color, all the clouds gathered together, pushing and shoving, ella, ella, stretch, finally bear the weight, then into patches of snow to the next. As if the Milky Way tilt, spring up, at the moment all covered with earth. All of all, but it will be dipped in the white...


With the blending together, the snow stopped. Houses, trees and vehicles, was naughty snow child on her new clothes. Looking glance, ferial the abrupt reinforced concrete into a fabulously rich residence, the design and color is bright beautiful car, also threw themselves to brush a layer of white paint and daily shelter from the rain tree also jumped into the colour of the newly established at this time, everything becomes so charming, gentle, quiet...

The snow, the children with one white snowball as if treaty notes, with laughter, and children running tracks, which compose a harmonious auspicious beautiful music, one song unfinished, a song to play again, white snow brand the footprint of the children joy, echoed with their happy movement in the sky.

While the adults are busy shoveling snow to traffic safety, they are not only snow shovel up front, and actively to the street to help the sanitation workers, you have done, joy.

In order to keep the beautiful colors of the first snow, I decided to go to the field. Don't want to find something in the wave of white. Oh! Original sprout in the coming year is too impatient to wait out the head, this time they can drink enough water, who is rich. Wait for the coming year, the harvest will be a bumper harvest, it is "snow bumper harvest"!

I stretched out his arms, put himself into the snow, looking at the sky - blowing, I quietly falling in the snow......











Today, it's snowing again, only for an instant, wanli jiangshan becomes vanity jade build by laying bricks or stones in the world.

Snow seemed to decree by destiny, and I saw snow, heartfelt joy; Saw snow, all the unpleasant mood gone; Saw snow, I will forget everything, just want to jump into the arms of the snow, and snow.

Now near dusk, the friend ask me to play with snow, came to the floor, I was intoxicated by the beauty of the deep: the setting sun to silver snow on a layer of soft light orange color, snow under the setting sun, the reflecting pool, reflect a silvery light. That kind of beauty, what language can describe. Walk on the road covered by snow, issued a "tickle", "tickle" voice, only feel soft under your feet. Snowflakes slowly falling from the sky, one after another, gently, slowly, soft, ice ice, cool.

The snow is pure, so white, so beautiful, like a child purity of heart; Snow is glittering and translucent, pure white and flawless body reflecting the lights with yellow, shiny; Snow is selfless, as the saying goes: "snow bumper harvest" "winter wheat cover three layer is, sleep pillow steamed bread" next year, the weak snow with her petite body for it props up a stretch of wheat carefree sky, secure wheat in winter, let the farmer uncle to obtain good harvest next year; Snow is a living, they can not be honestly to fall, look, some swirl to fall down, some several package is formed to fall, some east west you swing along while, only to fall down, some... The snow also brought inconvenience to the life of people. However, compared with snow brings us joy and happiness, it brings us the trouble appear insignificant.

Think, walk, unknowingly came to the prescribed destination. Looked up and saw a friend, through the swirl of snow, we each other a smile.










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