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2023-05-25 04:25:01




Speaking of basketball, that's my weakness. Her friends has seized the opportunity, however, want to play with me.

Just answer "challenged" I regret, I how so reckless? Dribbling is not, you have to learn advanced placement shot. The location of the game was the lawn in the long years of poplar. Time is at two o 'clock on Saturday afternoon.

The game at that afternoon, I came to the field. This is a piece of green space in front of the village, scenery is very beautiful. Green space on both sides have the river, the water level is lower, but has a very large area, we often touch the fish in the river in summer. Strange to say, there's only a tree lawn in the middle, and the branches and the branches gap is very big, is a natural backboard. On her way, we began a fierce game.

I am a single, it went from hand "escape". Through the gap between the branches, ran to her. Her body a diagonal, and caught it, and then throw, to me a hard ball to me at a speed of 1000 kilometers per second. I afraid at the moment, trying to hide, didn't catch the ball. When I come back, the ball is on the ground "run"! I am busy ran to catch the ball, catch the ball, I quickly return to the "battlefield", and then make a throw, the ball struck the branches. Jumped on her want to catch a ball, but I did not catch, body to fall, want to stand again, only to foot slipped, and hard fall on the ground, was injured.

I hurried to help her and then ran home take a band-aid. Give her bag, I breathed a sigh of relief. Her and said, "then, I will win!" I told her.

Friendship first, competition second. Her thought for a while and said, "draw!" We smile at one another.

Suddenly, I understand, the friendship is greater than the game!










Consecutive days of rain finally in clearing up yesterday, I should be in a good mood, but I really have no energy, because of what? In order to her? In fact, should not blame her, I'm a bad boy, don't deserve to play together with her, what all don't deserve...

When she heard a man sweep in the sink, my whole body shake, are eating breakfast hand stupefied hanging in the air, as falling quickly. I want to say their disdain, but only to heart in a burst of livestock, that kind of indescribable pain who can understand?

Helpless and desperate storm moment coming toward me, do not escape, nor resist. When his rickety, think what all don't care, everything, everything, perhaps already should not start! Should go to, let her go! Probably, she has never belonged to my life, the write interlocks is just a mirage, when it is gone with the wind!

I have that will leave a person, no one will care for me, but I will remember in this short life there have been brilliant rainbow, although it is just a moment, but it is also the most glorious moment in my life!

No clouds, the sky like this should not have me, I leave, take not to walk a couple of joy, also not a gram of sadness, leaving only some empty memories, some as white as a sheet, there is no color picture.

All of all, it doesn't matter, not heartache? Maybe there will be, but that is just my a person. Who will shed tears, for me there who uttered a sigh for me? No, there is no love at all...











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