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2023-05-25 06:03:02




I have many favorite things, but among these is the only let me admire, blossom in the cold wind of winter sweets, despite the cold weather again, it will endure in silence.

It not as elegant peony, but never bow to difficulties, peony is colourful, but beautiful flashy; It is not as fragrant rose quietly elegant, but live too than rose, the rose is aromatic, but covered in spines; It has no camellia red lips like that fat, more valuable than the camellia, camellia is beautiful, but no matter how to also cannot be obtained with wintersweet.

"Corner several branch plum, ling2 han2 open alone." This to the wintersweet poem, let I seem to see the wintersweet enchanting spectacular in the snow, the only fragrance smell in the winter. It is like a warrior, stick to their own job, never give up. It and the bamboo in the winter, the pine is called the "poetic" age, they are the only beauty in the winter. Although wintersweet didn't YongNian evergreen bamboo tree, but as they withstand the cold.

It cold heart, never melts. It has and winter together, forever. Only the cold weather will make it forever, only difficulty will also make it is not proud. He and the people, only withstand test, will have a better future. People often say that "after the storm, always after a storm comes a calm." So to go through all the ups and downs, only will be more and more smoothly. And be humble, must not arrogant. Chairman MAO once said: "modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind."

Wintersweet, it is the symbol of all great men in the world, also a repeat those great men, after suffering. I admire wintersweet, admire its perseverance, respect it not afraid of cold, admire its modest.










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