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2023-05-25 06:09:07




Flowers open in the world of the various varied, colorful flowers. Because they are a symbol of good, so, who are fond of. Some people like the gorgeous peony showily, some people like gorgeous red roses, someone like quietly elegant fragrance of narcissus, but I prefer alone resists the frost plum blossom of snow.

The plum blossom, since ancient times, is the object poets praise. Like MAO zedong's "ice is baizhang cliff, still have squid qiao." Lu you's "zero completion dust mud run, only sweet." And tiara "don't people kua good color, fresh air only man qiankun". Such poems abound.

The plum flower no elegant peony, no chrysanthemum noble and elegant, no graceful narcissus, but has a free from vulgarity of pride. It doesn't open in March, but it is open in the cold weather. Meet it is not the genial sunshine, but piercingly cold north wind; Not eutrophic he grew up and wind drizzle, but ice and snow. However, as you walk beside it, greets you are proudly upright stems, flower bud. Look, that one already open, red, thin the blossom, red petals tightly nestled close to the flower, like a mother hugs baby. Thin the blossom, dotted with sporadic white, while the, flowered. That is about to open, full bilge is going to split, bravely meet the test of the storm. Oh, this is the plum blossom. Keep cold, let the weathered snow play, never bow to bend over, still quite like that, with its noble and pure pristine personality, washing people's hearts, cultivate people's sentiments.

The plum flower is also a harbinger of the messenger, but "qiao also clear spring". When the flowers bloom, it is like a shy girl hiding "stands in a smile," quietly gathering strength, vitality, ready to fight with snow and ice.

In the course of a life be weathered rain and snow. We should learn from our plum spirit power, in the spirit of the plum flower is strong to treat difficulty on our road of advance.










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