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my school day英语作文

2023-05-26 02:16:01

2016关于my school day英语作文



When I first entered the school gate and saw my new classroom and teachers, I think I'm going to a new beginning. School life is very busy and exciting. There are a lot of activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week and so on. We all take active involvement. I have put forward many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study. Our teacher told us a lot. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to become a useful person in society. They told us, it is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing, and many other things. Habit is a secondary qualities, so teachers often remind us to make a good habit.

People often say: if there is any real learning. Now, I think it's the truth. The study now is far different than before. I often find it difficult to understand some one. At this time, you must spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not make progress. Of course, study is hard but when you make progress, you will find it is interesting.

Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try to keep it clean. Don't throw rubbish on the ground. Our members are high school.

We today is sterling, will prounded us tomorrow.






【2016关于my school day英语作文】



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