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2023-05-26 02:52:02




Life has many place worthy of thanks: thank the teacher, thank parents, thanks to nature, thanks to social...

Many people will thank success, because it brings them joy and excitement, but I, but want to thank the frustration, because it make me more mature.

I am particularly easy to satisfy, and often a little good half-day on success will make me happy, the thought is very severe. Life at that time, like fell into the sugar jar, is happiness and sweetness and enrichment. Fifth grade, my math grades plummeted, the worst one only 67.5 points. At this moment, has always been confident I stare blankly lived, has always been strong I was crying. What's the matter? I am deeply review yourself. I see, I was successfully hoodwinked eyes, extremely proud, forget the existence of setbacks. Since then, I began to like a setback, it let me know behind the mountains there are people, someone outside the person, let me mature.

I am a faithful person, can show the expression on her face my in the mind of the idea, so other people often can at a glance into my mind. Month after the test, I am a friend an examination of the best around, I am very happy, but a friend saw my expression, but thought I was in the schadenfreude, laugh at her, very angry, ignore me for a few days. Originally, I also she misunderstood my meaning, afterwards just know, bad grades, the friend was very sad, but instead I comfort her, but also inappropriate to show the expression of schadenfreude, really shouldn't have! This is between friends a little frustration! It let I learned to care about others, people skills cannot be too "faithful", when the hidden or hidden.

In life again a heavy setbacks taught me strong, let me fight back, never speaking out of turn give up...

Ah! Original setbacks taught me so many things, you are a silent teacher!











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