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2023-05-26 05:04:01




Connect quietly came to the earth. Other places all woke up, the grass arch out of the ground and the trees out shoot, flowers everywhere, the awaken of spring is abundant.

Can we here a huge difference, and winter is not harmony around the cx, one white, also from time to time to blow a few cold wind, seems to have no vitality.

Where is spring? I decided to look for spring. Me out of the house, I feel more moderate sunlight, and even some warmth. I went to the garden, found that the layers below have some grass, they may be in absorbing nutrients, ready to thrive. And I came to the campus, see the students are to play a game, try to overtake each other delights in ruddy face. At this moment, I heard a group of birds chirp loudly sing, sing tired went out in search of food, come back and sing... Seems to be telling us: "spring is coming, we are so happy!"

Spring is come, isn't it? According to the earth the sun warm, according to people, warm in the heart of people; Although the breeze with a chill, they make people feel so comfortable, so happy.

Ah! Where is the spring? In the spring sunshine, in the song of the birds, in the laughter of children...

Our spring here although there is no purple flowers, but the flowers of happiness in our heart quietly open! The old saying: in spring. In such a season of hope, joy, as the motherland flowers, we will follow in the footsteps of spring, bloom the most brilliant luster!








Spring has come, the beautiful city neighborhood, the way to school, all things recovery, a profusion of garden flowers, like a colorful world. Let's go to look for a beautiful spring!

Early in the morning, birds like the alarm clock the branches of the village head merrily singing songs, the whole village people seemed to wake up. My way to school, the flower girl is dressed up pretty early on, add colour to the earth mother. They stood on either side of the road, looking at pedestrians on the road in a hurry, as if to greet with each pedestrian to. And the sun recently always don't listen to your alarm clock, hiding in the cloud pillow fast asleep? That why I asked Ming wang wrote, he said recently, less out of the sun)

Unknowingly came to the east elementary school, the drizzle started to fall suddenly, I to peek through the window of the classroom, the earth mother seemed to be pointing fingers, called her baby children put on a different jacket, some wear a veil, sometimes put on a coat, sometimes......... Soon arrived at noon, my classmates and I all temptation of spring fever, even the usually most like to see the book also don't see you want to sleep, you listen to "shout shout" sleep sound, ha... .. The noisy around the campus at ordinary times, become very quiet, even a needle fell down on the floor can be heard. (I asked Ming wang why write spring fever? He said this is the spring characteristics!)

The jasmine came home from school in the afternoon, the balcony also put on this season's most popular green skirt for me? Suddenly, the balcony became a green world, I don't want to go to do the boring topic, just want to stay on the balcony to see flowers. In the evening, the moon mother-in-law rolled out the black paper, also called the stars when the postman, give the letter to the sun. But little star carelessly trampled spring thunder, thunderbolt, bang the drum angrily, "rumbled, rumble......" My earthquake dying deaf ears. Alas, all is the fault of the stars of!

We finally found the all kinds of spring. Ah, the original spring is so beautiful!









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