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2023-05-26 07:15:20




Teacher, has always been the students of the lighthouse, beacon, their responsibility is to the students from the ignorance of the sea to the shore of knowledge.

Students, has always been the hope and pride of teachers, their responsibility is in under the guidance of the teacher, out of that ignorance of the sea, on the summit of the mountain of knowledge.

Read the preface to send dongyang matson, just know, NingLian are in the position of the poor, also can be absorbed in study, we also have the responsibility to learn each lesson, silently listening to the teacher's teaching, it is our responsibility, this is we have to do it!

Some students think: what responsibility, to eat good drink good is good, go to school, that is, learn much knowledge, know a few students, and have some fun. We learn is tao yuanming, we do not pursue wealth... Ha, very funny, very sad! Good an eagerness! Imagine if everyone is not responsible for, to yourself that there is no knowledge talent, in the long term, our country will decline. There, how can you go to "eagerness to?

Responsible for yourself, it is our responsibility: forChinaupstudy! We must take their own should bear as a students, should bear the responsibility. Boys and girls, let's work together, for the sake of our common responsibility!







Britain's prince Charles once said: "in this world there are a lot of you have to do, this is responsibility"

The responsibility of the sun is shining on the earth; The sea responsibility is to accommodate the distribution; The responsibility is to feed the animals and plants of the earth; The doctor's responsibility is to cure the patient; Lao she's responsibility is to teach education. Different people, different positions, different responsibilities. Responsibility two words, although easy to write, easy to read, but, the real bear responsibility, have so easily?

Recall the fourth grade I, remember, that year I was chosen by the teacher as our monitor. I am flattered! Teacher will tie to me, from the moment I wear tie, I know the responsibility of the monitor of the class. I can't live up to the expectations of teachers!

The next day, the teacher for a meeting and not in class, I gave orders to bring the mind in the class. The teacher left the classroom, suddenly become noisy in the class. I gently ask them down the volume, but the mind is not so easy in the class. I want to give up, there's a phrase suddenly crossed my mind, "the teacher trust me, give me such a heavy responsibility; the teacher to trust me, rest assured the discipline of the class to my mind, the teacher to trust me, to monitor the position to me. I can't live up to the expectations of the teacher to me."

Yes, I shouldn't give up! Responsibility whether light or heavy, all of us should do his bit, his responsibility will do a good job!









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