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2023-05-27 03:15:03




Dad, I want to tell you news, is I this quiz on ninety-seven points! Although I don't have to test a percentage, but I already very satisfied, because this is all thanks to your blessing.

Last time, I only rely on mathematics for the second unit exam eighty eighth, I dare not to report to you, afraid you criticize me, when I took the paper to you before, but to my surprise, you didn't lose his temper, but, friendly said to me: "it's okay, the next exam very not line?" I listened to very happy, is about to go out to play, you said: "come back, writing a paper for me to buy you." I had to reluctantly wrote in learning the table has been several days didn't finish writing papers, I thought to myself: dad how so ah, but think again, if not the father's strict requirements, intensive training, I might break through the math exam yesterday is not ninety-five points, isn't this what can I do for you the benefits of the examination paper! Did that a few pieces of paper, if not today, maybe, waiting for me is not a smile; But to pull a long face, maybe I'm just my oldself, or eighty points, back and wait for me is not a hit, scold is, but on the contrary, I have got an ideal score, so I believe: glad to not just myself, you also can hang out and mother must face.

Dad, I used to hate you, until now, I just know the benefits of listening to your advice.





My father is very ordinary, ordinary let you forget. He is neither tall fierce appearance, also does not have the kind and storage character, no more insight into the heart of wisdom.

Father's image in my mind is protean.

Sometimes, I think my father is so hate.

After we finished our homework I watch TV to relax, he always by my side, q: no, I finish my homework is not curly hair. Sometimes I asked vexed, a big fire against a few words, he will put pressure on me, no I ordered to open TV, forced me to learn. I don't, go to sleep, lie on the bed sometimes annoyed, will curse his company have no business, wanted to think and get up worship worship goddess of mercy please she pretended not to hear just a curse.

Sometimes, I think my father is too "silly".

At home, is responsible for buying food at ordinary times is a mother, she carefully, always buy cheaper dishes of the economy. So sometimes I and my brother would like to have a good point, will call father serving the market, because the mother abundance than he bought. But he doesn't often buy, to the market to sell people buy what what to say, people go to raise the price he also praised the somebody else to buy affordable, being pit also said that's a great thing. So he is often throw one hundred yuan, in the market to buy are "fake and inferior products. But every time he bought many seafood, because my brother and I love to eat.

Sometimes, I think my father is too self-centered.

Father is like a cup of tea. Just put down the bowl chopsticks, he was busy making tea drinks. We are writing also, he always threaten out our tea in the living room. I'm still a little bit better, my brother hate most is a cup of tea. He's always trumpeting tea how how good, still have effect reducing weight, for people like me the more the better. When he persuaded us to drink tea, my door is always tell he tea drinking too much is not good. He always said this is who say that no such thing. He said bored, even by force. Anyway, we must follow him to do it, otherwise he will never give up. My brother used to say he is a tyrant, and many times I think so too, but I know that with a little worse when he himself a cup of tea, tea we drink when he was a lot better with tea. In he make the tea, I tasted the endless sweet to my taste.

Father is really an unknown little guy, but he also is a big man can hold up the heaven and the earth.

No matter how he ACTS as a role, I always thank him gave me a chance to come to this world, thank he taught me all the ordinary in the great father.

Father, it's nice to be your daughter.

Daddy, I love you!
















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