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2023-05-27 05:29:03




Gratitude is a kind of return; Gratitude is the basis of respect; Thanksgiving is a grateful for grace said, one does not forget the kindness of others is everyone heart all the emotions. As a child, we are raising their parents, we should also return it. The reunion of the Spring Festival, I use my gratitude made a return to the relatives.

In our home, a large family of every Spring Festival, eat dinner together, ye grandma, uncle, aunt, brother, brother, home. See buzzed around the adults, however, our young players in the mind also is really guilty, but if go to help, they will not be allowed, what should you do? So, I secretly plans, we called the plan "gratitude".

Step 1: determine the content. We'll be the first to determine to do something for the adults, only once, we put forward the opinion is multifarious: this advice to help do household chores, there said the adults will not let us intervention; The said can help old people back rubs, and was immediately "they are all busy appealing transactions both inside and outside, which have the time" to refute. The moment you when you are sad, I came up with an idea: a small gift to them, and they really need.

Step 2: the preparation. We began to prepare. Grandma has high blood pressure and diabetes, we gave them the use of balsam pear and peanuts treat secret recipe, we also bought their bitter melon and peanuts. Several uncle sent books, let them "batteries"; As for several aunts, send the small method that reduce weight. Take a good gift, waiting for the New Year.

Step 3: a gift. Finally wait to the day of the reunion dinner, we presented gifts when I was in the warm atmosphere, both adults stare big eyes in astonishment, then reveal the gratified smile. Aunts of canthus tears as if a little, but the smile is so brilliant; Uncles, glowing red in the face is permeated with happiness; Grandma is the eyes mi became a crack, also said: "the grandson, also care about our disease?" I smiled, because we feel the power of gratitude.

In this New Year, at the moment the gratitude, I understood: Thanksgiving birth you of person, because they give you life; Thanksgiving raising your people, because they make you grow; Gratitude concern you of person, because they give you warmth. But we honest Abe together, learn to be grateful.








The bird to thank the blue sky, because the blue sky gave him free flying space; The mountains, thanks to the earth, because the earth to help him towering; Thank the sea fish, because the sea swam to make him happy. We should be thankful.

Why do you want to Thanksgiving? Happy is very simple, only be grateful would. Heard such a story: a centenarian, alert lady, healthy body, and almost every moment with a smile. Once, a reporter asked her the secret of longevity, replied the old lady smiled happily, "grateful for anybody, anything, is a very happy thing! Happy every day, longevity and, of course!" Her answer took everyone by surprise. Indeed, how many worthy of our gratitude to people and things!

We should be thankful parents, they not only give us life, we raise, also are very concerned about our life and study. Parents may scold us, sometimes even invited us to eat "meat" bamboo, they even mouth shouted "love you" but the in the mind still thinking about us, otherwise, why should they take to teach us? They are deep love, pain is cut!

We should be thankful friend, often is a friend gave us hope. When you are lost, alone, lose faith in something; When no one understand you, who is a gently greetings, a words of encouragement, let us feel warm and full of power? It is the name of a friend.

Parents, friends, most people will be grateful. But we should be thankful, and is often we miss people and things.

Learning to compete with our rivals, should be thankful. Because with them, we will progress faster. Remember last summer vacation, my Chinese class, the teacher asked every lesson should be modern. I think from memory is not good, so can't find a long back, just pick some short poems back to back. A class, the teacher asked students to do demonstration, only to hear his mouth back up "the model", and sure enough fluent, and entity. Ringing in the classroom the students surprise "click" sound, I also admire. But on second thought, I and his achievements, he can back long, I can! So I picked the yueyang tower ", holding the book "bitter", every day after a week of effort, finally back to know. From then on, I also often invited by the teacher when the demonstration, let me the most happy is I never afraid of the recite long! Obviously, it is my "rival" cured "" I'm afraid to recite, to him, of course I am eternally grateful.










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