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2023-05-27 07:06:06




Winter vacation, my cousin came to my house to play, yesterday dragged me to one side and said mysteriously: "how's" let's go skating? "Really? That's great!" I promised to excitedly, the in the mind and worry about fall off a fall comedy tends.

Came to the skating rink, bought a ticket and put on skates.

Brother told me skating main point: "body lean forward a little, legs bend down a little..." Brother said as a demonstration, how can I also dare not move.

So brother and took me by the hand, and slowly backwards, and clutching my brother's hand, return in mouth muttered: "you can't let go!"

Brother said angrily say: "is not always rely on me."

I quickly said: "no, don't."

Brother or let go. I back a few steps, and grasping the rotary rod is not willing to put, moved aside like old woman walking pace.

The elder brother saw, stared my one eye, said: "so timid, how to learn?"

I blush with shame, the heart thinks: I'm not a stupid child, must try to be brave. Thought of here, I once again get up the courage, learn to brother sample slip up. Who knows not sliding steps "pa" dropped a dish, I rubbed his irritated ass, skid up, continue to slip up.

Brother by clapping for me. Gradually, gradually, I can't find the feeling, more slip more bold, more slip more suitable, straight quart me happy brother: "brother, you are great! Learn faster than me."

This is a big harvest in these two days!













What is the milk? Milk is the calf to eat sweet food every day; What is health? Health is not sick. I like sweet milk, I prefer healthy and happy life.

"As early as a cup, a cup of later, often drink milk body good." Mom always said to me, she said: "in the morning drink a cup of milk can ask spirit, strong all day, at night to drink a glass of milk can let you quickly into dreams, a good night's sleep!" Although mother always asked me to drink more milk, but I never take the initiative to drink before, because I think I am 10 years old, how can drink milk every day, like a small baby let a person more than a joke. This summer vacation at home I look at the issue of CCTV "the road to health, shows, there are two health experts to introduce the audience to the milk to the person's benefits, they said: milk contains and the human body is very close to the high quality protein, containing 25 kinds of amino acids are unmatched by any other kind of animal food. Milk contains rich calcium, and it is the most easy to be absorbed by human body. Other benefits include such as bedtime drink milk is good for sleep, scientists in the United States has also proposed milk can prevent cancer and other diseases. Milk contains antibodies that can increase the body's resistance, often drink milk can increase the immunity. In addition to explain, experts also let the audience see their test: is tracked in the Beijing area of primary and middle school students, children drink milk in skeletal development and height significantly high and do not drink. Watched the show, I was shocked, the original is short because I don't like to drink milk before.

From that day on, I in the morning and evening all take the initiative to take the milk in the refrigerator, the milk to do other things again, mother said that this is my the biggest harvest in this summer vacation.







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