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2023-05-28 02:33:01




At noon I sleep with you every day, my hands holding you, you make me happy every day, I laugh at you. Every day you study with me, you always around in my side.

This is my pet - teddy bear.

Not long ago it was dead. Because of an illness. I held it again and this time it won't wake up, I wash it clean and put in a little box, and those beautiful memories forever buried in the ground, I'm convinced that the next cycle will see you.

From that day on, I will never use my learning instead of thinking of it - never disturb it to sleep.

Whenever I go home, the first thing to do is to find it, delay me a lot of time, looked at it while writing homework. Because want to him, I will not at school often somehow.

Now that it no longer, I also have get used to that, but a home or unconsciously looking for it; Can't open the door for too long is afraid he ran out of the old to...

Over the summer vacation, I stepped into the new semester, a person to write my homework every day is very bad, always think of you beside me to sleep curled up the body appearance, alas!

But when you leave. Whenever you have added a computer in the home, mother to accompany me, until the middle of the night.

Didn't you, my class is not distracted, because no I care.

Didn't you, I go home no longer waste of a test drive, because every corner will no longer have you.

Into the study, your smell is still exists, smell it, like you beside me every place, I in the company of your learning - forever...

You go away, for me is a relief, is a start.

The sun is still shining, the world will not change for you...















In previous journey, I've met setback and failure; I also have been lost. In frustration and failure again and again my final choice is strong. Through the efforts of the time and time again I have also made a brilliant, but in the last time I failed, and that makes me very sad, also is the fastest I step backwards. The last time this challenge, let the teacher down, let parents sad, also let yourself lost.

I know that it has become history, will not change.

In today's journey, I choose to forget everything before, choose the challenge in the future, is never give up. The new semester, new textbooks, to meet new challenges. In this semester, I still treat learning seriously, hard. Don't relax. Every class seriously, don't pass each question should start from the intravenous drip when learning, good at accumulation, constancy, and don't abandon CunGong. I have had my own goals. I had my own goals, have his pursuers. In the new semester I will go all out. I also know that "there is no ideal can only is illusory castles in the air." All successful need hard effort. Learning will have a pitch, meet with difficulties, not back, and brain, go upstream. I can have their own efforts to prove itself. Believe that soon I will see the joy of success.

Believe that no pains, a harvest.








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