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2023-05-28 03:34:01




Alas! School, home, every day I was in the two places to run back and forth. But today than usual, I felt so excited. Grade school in the morning all opened a commendation congress, I'm a merit student, nature is my prize, two diary.

Don't deceive you, I now use the book almost all prizes, buy less...

Today, my hearts vibrated, think of the past seven years, I have been studying at the top, is the worst of times, the primary school is grade three, take an examination of the whole class 8.

At that time, I remember in the school into a. But after back home, mother comforted me: "don't be upset, later efforts will get good grades!"

It's mother has been encouraging me, let me step by step go today, I feel proud to have such a mother! Thanks, mom!







This afternoon, mom didn't go home. I am still as usual "eliminate" one off your homework. Done, looked at the tick of the clock, I suddenly suddenly realize: yeah! Today is mother's day? Now don't merit is to give mom the best time? Why, that's fast, I like needle into the "glory" toilet, left hand broom, right hand came out of the garbage shovel.

First of all must be sweeping the floor. Ever see a martial-arts are "autumn wind the leaves" natural scene, but this time do it, but not so easy. Each of the horn side wall, cracks, under the bed, each brick should be swept clean, in a short time hand acid. It's really the words should be the ancient "why one house does not sweep, sweep the world".

Anyway, I finally finished. The next is to sweep the floor. Mop the floor also is sweeping the floor, mop, after all, can be more heavier than a broom, still have to be careful not to drag the wire. In this way, I also the dickens laboriously dragged out.

I'm trying to wipe table, and suddenly the door opened. Wow, this is my mother? Bright lipstick, refreshed hair, bright eyes... More bemused, old mama's hand their homelands with their suitcases filled.

Mom saw my full head big sweat and the appearance of the mess, and at the clean and tidy home, said to me: "hey! We should reform change new! Want to reward you?" I said without hesitation: "good, good! How are you going to reward me?" "Come on, I'll take you eating out!"

"Yeah! Yahoo!" Cheers and calls, I just outside work fatigue have disappeared in the cloud nine. The first time I tasted the sweet taste of the food outside.

Today is really busy, fulfilling and full of happy day!











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