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2023-05-28 04:44:06




Everyone has a dream, someone wants to be like as an astronaut, Yang liwei into space, roam freely, explore the mysteries of space; Somebody wants to become a skilled doctor, conquer medical intractable diseases, let more people get rid of the pain of the disease...

My dream is to become an excellent engineer, design a high-tech house, let people feel the convenience of high-tech brings. Now, I take you to visit my house together:

Door of the house there are three word recognition system, anti-theft function particularly strong: the first is the eye iris recognition, the second is voice recognition, fingerprint identification is the third, three recognition system through the back door will open. The master of the house can safely out of town, don't worry about things stolen at home.

House is dirty, you just press the blue button, the room can appear a robot, to help you clean all the rooms. If hungry, you as long as the purple button, a table of delicious meals will appear in front of you, let you meimei eating a meal.

House is on fire, you don't panic, just press the red button, the top of the house will automatically spray water. This water is very magical, it will only fire extinguishing and meet any other things can be decomposed into the air for an instant, will not damage any of the items in the house.

Although this is just a dream, but I believe that as long as I study hard, this dream will come true.








I have a dream, deeply rooted in my heart. That is, grow up, I want to be a scientist.

Although I don't have a rigorous thinking, no special accurate judgment, there is no wisdom, however, I still don't give up. Although the dream is far away from me, but I still won't stop pursuing. Although I know that in the process of realize my dream, will encounter many setbacks and hardships, but I won't be disappointed, also won't. I believe that only through the blood fingers, to pop up to the swan song of the world. Failure is the only way to gain success. Only experienced setbacks and difficulties, to achieve own dream!!!!!

Whenever I see scientists remarkable achievement, always feel envy and admiration. So, I want to be a scientist, become the backbone of the country. Whenever I see a waste of time, except the person, I will feel sad for them. Because they didn't see their own value, there is no dream. Such a life is meaningless. Dream, is the real man. The kingdom of the kingdom of dreams, is the true. And I, at least one of your dreams, for the sake of this dream, I have been trying to go down, never give up. I believe, I can climb to the summit of the victory!

My dream is the dream of China, I want to and China working together to achieve the dream!








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