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2023-05-28 06:38:01





Parents' love, called love. This kind of feeling is the most sweet feeling in the world. When you encounter setbacks and frown, encourages you to be his father; When you are entangled by disease and pain runny nose, is the mother be caring and attentive. "Excellent" can make you full of confidence, a "bad" allows you to avoid the trap pride.

The teacher's love, called the teachers and students. This kind of feeling is the most serious is what feeling. When you make a mistake and be punished is the teacher teach you; When you encounter a difficult problem as solution and sweating like a pig, is the teacher explained carefully for you. A praise eyes, make you very happy; A warm greetings, and make you feel the second kind of affection.

The love of friends, is called friendship. This kind of affection is the world's most pure love. When you are not careful fall can not climb, the hand of a pair of powerful friends; When you buy something but forgot to bring money, is in a embarrassing, pay for your clearance are friends. A little humility, make you feel friendship tolerance; A little help, make you realize the value of a friend.

Mountain only gratefully, one of its high; Sea only gratitude creek, is its own; Days only Thanksgiving bird, is its grand. A person only know gratitude, there will be a happy, will cherish, just coming.

With a sincere heart, with a grateful heart, let the life become better in our gratitude, become sweet.







"Grateful heart, thank you. Flowers bloom, I will cherish......" Once again heard the song "grateful heart" love is over, I decided to make this year's Thanksgiving apart.

I think, finally came up with a good way - simply fills to help my mother to back, to help her to eliminate the fatigue of the day! So, before go to the mother pushed my face a smile, said: "mother, today is Thanksgiving Day, let me help you fills back!" So regardless of the mother surprised expression and starting to work.

"1234, 1234....." I help my mother massage, while talking and laughing with my mother. When I press the blunt I have to do house work, clean the house. Mother was surprised at not shut your mouth, dumbfounded looked at me with the housework...

As the end of the work, I told mom wittily: "CCTV interview! Could you tell me your thoughts about your son's performance have?" "Oh, I think his son grew up, today after let him show every day!" Think of mother incredibly bite back, I had to hurry away.

I didn't do the household chores, tired of waist sour backache, it is hard to imagine, mother is how to get through it. I decided to make this Thanksgiving becomes no longer unusual









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