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2023-05-29 03:24:13




On Sunday, I with a cheerful mood to open the book and read with relish.

This book mainly said the boat adventure gulliver, encountered difficulties, in the deserted island, do not panic, but to her it communication with him, become good friends. Under all the efforts, finally came home.

After reading this story, I admire gulliver, at the same time, I still remember the last time, I experience the danger.

It was an afternoon, I and several friends in gold Washington district joy play freely. As we have a good time on the rockery. I suddenly found a juvenile delinquent. Spilling his local construction workers toil synthesis of cement, and then, swaggering coming to us. I was frightened, I saw he was picking up a stick, his eyes staring at us straight, I call you be careful, afterwards just know he wanted us to get together with him. We racked his brains, and finally come up with a way to escape from trouble.

Read the article and the plight of experience so dangerous, I realized, don't be afraid when in danger, also don't check out, believe that you will be able to overcome dangerous out of the woods, "only those who brave calm, can through the dark for the light".







In the National Day seven days off, I read the novel, swift gulliver's travels.

Gulliver is the main character in this book, because have strong interest in traveling, he went to a merchant ship as a surgeon. Later, due to various reasons, the author the mistake came to the pu's kingdom. The country's residents are only the middle finger is so high, the authors seem impossibly tall in this country. Then a series of things happened here, until at last the author was framed by donation and had to flee to not to come, the ancient. An accidental opportunity, however, the author returned to their country... After the tortuous, the author came to a broad BuDing nai. He is known by his master, here to exhibit and sell a farmer of torment. Later owners sell him into the palace, the author began his wonderful journey...

Again after the return to her native country, the author wasn't content to the calm of life, and the third, fourth in the sea. Ships take him to the skin of his, barney bobby, raga nai, and many other countries. The author has experienced unprecedented experience again...

Although the plot and characters of the novel fabrication, but based on the writer living in the real world. If produce all kinds of absurd behavior in Lilliput. Notting have is not to the British ruler's corrupt and evil as the prototype, which has profound practical significance. Again like a flying island of allegorical hateful behavior is Britain's rule in Ireland. This kind of gimmick apply skillfully, and serious, give a person with strong sense of reality.

At the time of writing this book, the author swift in British society and the status quo of the literary world at that time, his work is often associated with political problems, write very deep, showed his age to evil, and defects. He thought: "there are a lot of things can't use the law to punish, religious and moral constraint is not enough to make these people do bad things to correct; only their iniquity in the strongest words revealed, hated to make them." Gulliver's travels is swift's successful experience of this claim, it came out of the British novel irony art precedent, set up the irony of the British literary tradition, it should be said is of special significance in the history of European literature.









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