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2023-05-29 05:41:05




AIDS is the world recognized refractory disease, it is spreading at an alarming rate, seriously endangering the health of human beings, so-called "the plague of the century", "human killer", etc., to explain its arrival's impact on humans.

AIDS though terrible, but as long as the correct understanding of AIDS, understand the HIV/AIDS, is completely can prevent the publicity, education has a far-reaching significance.

In accordance with the superior file spirit, to a large number of students in our school publicity and education activities, using the class meeting, the flag-raising ceremony, seminars, group discussion and other forms take the way of combining centralization and decentralization, multi-angle, multi-channel, make students understand AIDS prevention knowledge, effect is significant.

At the beginning of this period, under the support of the global fund, plain AIDS project office, in a timely manner for the junior middle school students in our school for free a batch of the text.

In accordance with the relevant spirit of the county AIDS project office in our school, combining the reality of our school, through health education, includes forms again presented a new AIDS knowledge education.

March 10, under the elaborate organization of school boards, organization, we launched a race on the subject of AIDS prevention and control of the content composition.

The students with the new text, according to the usual learned knowledge, speak out, in writing, with your heart heart in talk.

After the contest, our school was founded in time reading group comparison, many excellent essay refer to choose.

I believe that, under the care of superior leadership, in our society as a whole staff participation, increase the propaganda, through a deeper understanding, understanding of AIDS, the "century plague" will one day be slipped away.











Heard these things, you must know the importance of life? Yeah, the beginning of life is a candle, until your mother give you some "wick", you begin to write the first sentence for precious life poetry. Until you will be called "yi ah yi ah", will speak "mother", a shake a put to walk, will say many, many words, have thought, will feel everything is so beautiful. Till now, did you know if our lives of AIDS, just never see butterflies dance track and spring like washed the sky this truth? If you out the candle, that you see will be darkness, not light.

In order to not let us lose precious life much earlier, from now on, please look around the size of the details.

The classmates! Please drive your mom and dad, relatives and friends, let everybody pay attention to personal hygiene, AIDS is not with us! Let us shout loudly: "AIDS prevention! Cherish precious life!"

300 words -

Article 4: HIV/AIDS prevention

Speed 8000 deaths every day for the world, we need to improve, let me tell you the HIV/AIDS prevention.

People with HIV/AIDS, blood transmission, eat together, sharing a swimming pool, if your parents have AIDS, you also have. Terrible AIDS? Of course, we want to improve HIV/AIDS! Come on!!!!!!











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