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2023-05-29 05:45:03




I am a lively, warm and generous girl, never know what the worry, never to think about what the worry, junior high school life let I miss the days of the swing, let I gradually understand the meaning of annoyance. I am the girl who loves to explore, wandering in the dark sea of thoughts such as drift of the sail, we these boys and girls, in order to their dreams, no longer talk about sad and worry, just bury that did not open the memories and feelings in the heart most deep place!

Life, there are a lot of troubles and helpless, like us and sentimental young face the sunset yesterday, there is always a desire of elegy, the Chinese rose in full bloom in the summer, I said goodbye to the lovely teacher and classmate, morning and night get along with fiery sunset reflected the parting tears hanging face, waved goodbye to joy and helpless, my heart is like bursts of fragrance, lingering in my heart, time like running water fast, day and night will be our youth irrigation.

Memory is like a rain, once more memories in the swing, picked up the wind falling petals, open the memory of the poem. I think of that beautiful rainy day, gardenia dyed sweet rain washed bright smooth green stone steps. I'm standing on the cool rain, one-step in deep rain lane, recall the past joy! The road of life, good long, trouble like waves on the way. The rain dripping wet washing with the trouble of our youth!





In the eyes of my parents and friends, and I am a very cheerful big boy, but I have a lot of trouble - the poor handwriting.

Whenever I write my homework, opened the book, just write, "shua shua shua", a word written immediately. I looked carefully, found that the handwriting is very untidy, so use a rubber wipe to immediately. The pen and write very untidy, I wipe the writing, finished writing brush, brush to brush, two actions a repeatedly made dozens of times, make for a long time to finish. So, the daily homework to write more than ten to finish it. Although written, written or bad. A hand in your homework, not rewrite is good, but also get the teacher's a very k! One night, I am very late finish homework. Hand operation in the next morning for "rewrite" two characters and teacher of a K. Like this bottom go to, write my homework for me to have no meaning, is a nightmare. So I decided to, every work to be conscientious, stroke at a writing, finished must carefully check, check after will give father mother strictly check, if you don't pass inspection, began to change. After check again and again, only can be the operation income bag.

Alas! Poor handwriting -- my biggest worries!







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