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2023-05-29 07:17:03




Many students' parents agree that my child is too small, can not stand the wind waves, should put the child in the greenhouse, don't let them suffer the storm hit, healthy growth, this view has been popular, accepted by most of the parents open, in fact, parents don't know, this is the hidden dangers in love!

My aunt a university graduate student in Beijing, she and I said two things: her school has a student, because of the quarrel with your classmates, unexpectedly want to jump off a building suicide, thanks to the school stopped in time to avoid a suicide a student arrived at school not to adapt, he did not understand the laundry cooking, life cannot leave the nanny, his father to the big company, closed his business is thriving, came to Beijing with son to study, to take care of the son, and give people work at the two things hard to avoid lets a person feel funny, funny after a silence in meditation, people like this case each of us can point to two or three of these are some of the parents in the child grow the stage only sunshine to the child, don't let the children accept any thunderstorm caused by growth in the bitter fruit of greenhouse flowers is beautiful and lovely, but a move it to the wild, it indifference die.

Growth is not only need sunshine, it also requires the thunderstorm, because thunderstorms can make it stronger, thunderstorms can hone the will, to make it more comfortable after after a storm comes a calm face bright sky!





Hero is in difficulty, steel is strong after training. If there is no the fierce wind and rain, there will be a beautiful and liked the colours of the rainbow?

Look, that liu xiang broke the world record won the first prize, is a clever and? No, that was before he was desperately trying to practice, hone yourself, beyond themselves, allow yourself to run faster, can that sensation throughout the country and the world's great achievements! He doesn't have to do this through the blood, the sweat? Had, of course, only work hard for one thing, insist on sharpening, far, afraid tired, can you get it ready, make a thing, this is an eternal truth.

As the saying goes ": a minute on stage, the audience ten years of work." How many people in order to do one thing at a time, and hone hundreds of times, thousands of times and even thousands of times. If there is no experience of the audience and the success of which come on the stage? How many people are looking forward to success? But how much success. Is it a success mean? No, because many people won't work hard, struggle. In a rugged mountain road, all the people in climbing, because everyone knows that at the top of the hill of a flower that is called "success", but there are a lot of people because of difficult to give up it

"Hone is successful, you leave a sweat, can grow flowers called" success ", if you give up, that you will regret!" This is my summary.








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