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2023-05-30 06:55:04




Everyone came to this world, want to deduce a brilliant life. Hope to study result good; Acting hope audience appreciation; Designers hope to get people's identity; Hope to make money in business... All in all, every people in this world hope you can get others' recognition, surrounded by flowers and applause. A philosopher said: anyone who has the confidence is half the battle. Confidence is our spirit is the core in the process of growth, it is the spirit of efforts to achieve their ideal. As long as we raise confidence sails, with confidence to embrace our life, I firmly believe that success will belong to us. Because with confidence, our fragile soul will be strong, our feelings will therefore always optimistic; Because with confidence, our hearts will be full of sunshine, our life will be so radiate brilliant light! Embrace life with confidence, not narcissism, is not self, confidence should combine with hard indeed. It should be a crystallization of wisdom and ability.

Countless successful fact enlightens us: success is a variety of factors, but the confidence is the essential condition. If the lost confidence will lead to business failure.

In my "self evaluation", I am the best! I was the best, I believe that now is, in the future too! Because I have "stay focused and not give up, persevere and not half-hearted" one of the best.

Let us summon up courage to loudly say to myself: "I'm confident, I'm the best! I because confidence, so the best!"






Do you think is the rainbow, the sky is great, but because of your ornament, space is so beautiful. .

Ten-fold great envy the sun a little mouse, admire clouds cover the sun, great admiration for the wind blows away the clouds of greatness, but ignored his dig through the wall, is also a kind of great.

The little mice lacking the self-confidence, it can not be realised it also cannot be ignored, it is also a great success.

You may have seen "how the steel was tempered" this book! It was a Soviet author ostrovsky life work, ostrovsky's miserable life, young GuPin, youth illness, the body can only fingers and wrist activity; Mouth open distance and just only one centimeter. He by superhuman perseverance and confidence, however, took two years to complete but the giant. He with confidence, there is no regret walked the rest of the life, his life filled with frustration, but he is confident to life drew a satisfactory full stop, he is confident the strong of life, he used his perseverance and confidence dominates the belong to his a sky!

Person's life, hard to avoid encounter setbacks in all its aspects, but you should believe in yourself, said to himself: "I can, I will succeed!" At this time, you will have their own sky, and can leave a good memories for belongs to own sky. Don't always envy other people's greatness and success, only through their own efforts, just can enjoy the joy of success, don't always admire others' intellectual talents, always ask yourself: he did, why can't I? Believes he can do it with confidence, fly to the sky belongs to you.

Remember, let the confidence of the rainbow, dominate their own sky!










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