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2023-05-30 06:57:02




Country not as busy as the city, not as dramatic as high-rise buildings, he has its own uniqueness.

My brother has lived in the country. Today, my mother took me to the country I have been waiting for.

Happy village is as follows: through the verdant trees, wild flowers bloom is very strong. Going forward a little, will come to this the vast field, standing at the edge of the field, will see each wheat seeding stand proudly in the soil, a higher than a, the small grain like bamboo. Clusters of flowers and plants wheat seeding in the wind

Enjoy the beautiful scenery, I came to my uncle's house a acres of peanuts. Mother to dig a hole with a spade, me in the ditch and fertilizer and peanuts, then peanuts covered it up with earth, each peanut is good. Although kind of peanut is very tired, rural life is very happy.

We should have lunch, was about to go home, suddenly, my uncle stopped us. He said: "go home why ah, this pin is not food?" Say that finish, my uncle ran to the woods, took eight brick, and pulled out some chili and leek. It seems that to picnic today. I saw my uncle drag bricks in a circle, several branch in match point, get very angry. Mother put pepper and leeks washed with water and use bamboo skewer, baked on top. I feel especially good. "They don't put the pesticide, delicious, of course." Mother said. I think by the labor in exchange for food, even the good food cannot be compared with these foods.

Reflected in the water with my happy smiling face; The footprints of the mud with me happy; Covered with green trees and red flowers in the mountains echoed with my happy laughter. Rural true interesting!








Early in the morning, I got up early and go out to play with younger siblings. A bird in the acura station branches from time to time; Wild grass everywhere, they in the autumn wind, swaying in the sun bath, looks so lovely; The fish in the water; The stream flowing merrily. Happy all the way. Blink of an eye, and at noon, they started to sing "empty", we are going to go home to have a meal, on the road, we saw some people in the roasted peanuts. See they eat so sweet, we are chan mouth water, then everyone began to plan roasted peanuts action, my sister and I steal peanuts, others steal straw. Material preparation is complete, we found an abandoned brick houses, as barbecue sites. First of all, in a few brick in a hearth. Then, put some straw in it. Next, put the peanut in and began to put the straw cover. Then, after the straw burning, such as burn down with black ash covering 5 minutes to eat. When we eat the things they do, don't mention how proud heart. Imperceptible in, in the evening. The sky hongxia, the evening breeze, homing of birds, everything is so beautiful. Only a few words of cry came once in a while in the distance. Wipe the last sunset disappeared, the sky dark down. People have shut the door, into the sweet dreams, everywhere is so quiet, only a few birds occasionally heard...

The country life, you are so delicious, so make you linger.






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