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2023-05-31 05:25:02




Whenever see a complete of traffic accidents, at that moment, we have deep feeling to the people life is really short, must cherish life, pay attention to safety.

In recent years, the frequent safety accidents. Safety! Has sparked the ponder. Many primary and middle school students were killed in under the wheels, blaze. So, we should be fostered safety consciousness, when crossing the street to have a look at 2 lines 3 through, obey the traffic rules... Schools to carry out the earthquake a fire escape drill for many times, also enhance our safety awareness, let we can keep calm in safety accident occurs, safe and orderly evacuation.

Though, the school and parents education we for many times, but, in the security incidents still occur from time to time in their lives. Such as: have a male classmate in our class, in the way of school running and jumping again, chase scenes, suddenly fell down, and knock off a front teeth. Several days didn't come to school, fall in many of the class. Fortunately, after he come to school, the students actively make up a missed lesson for him, he didn't cause too many difficulties in learning. But for their family economy caused a certain loss, he himself in spirit also suffered a big blow. It tells us that on the way from school, is to go slowly, orderly, don't chase scenes

Our parents and the teacher's words, "go to school happily, safely home," to do "safety, danger is far from me." We are flowers of the motherland, in the home, baby was about to burst into a beautiful youth, bright flowers, but if it faded in advance, then our family will be in the abyss of sorrow.

I sincerely urge you to, be sure to keep in mind the safety, the lesson, keep safety accidents away from our life.







Some classmates said. "Life is like fire, burning silently, and it came to time will slowly extinguished, some classmates said, life is a lesson young trees, rain or wind is big, it is always a strong standing in the front,, but as young trees grow up, will gradually wither, so a man's life is short and precious, we must cherish our, double love their lives!

Our school beautiful environment, affable teacher, the students helping each other, the atmosphere is full of joy. Primary school is like building a house, the basis of the foundation, to build everything must, so we study hard, in order to better in the future to make greater contribution for the construction of the motherland!

Now the society is talking about a "harmonious society", "peace and security," is all around us, every day in the accident, people lost their lives, that broken families. Don't we see all this should be a good meditation, learn from it? Students must observe the school each rules and regulations, not in class during the chase scenes, maybe when you are chasing me catch a play, the danger is near to us, accidentally fell down, and might be hurt, light skin injury hospitalization or even dying. The down must comply with the order, in order to walk, can't you push me. School must obey the traffic rules, crossing the road when the "three by a slow look", can't hog and car working, can't chase scenes in the street. Holiday students can relax, happy, can be happy also should always keep in mind the safety at the time. Not to swim in the reservoir, cannot go to dangerous places, goes hand in hand go out must tell parents, let parents rest assured, teachers, rest assured.

Our parents and the teacher's words, "go to school happily, safely home," to do "safety, danger is far from me." We are flowers of the motherland, in the home, baby was about to burst into a beautiful youth, bright flowers, but if it faded in advance, then our family will be in the abyss of sorrow.

I sincerely urge you to, be sure to keep in mind the safety, the lesson, keep safety accidents away from our life.









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