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2023-05-31 06:10:01




I am a lazy man, individualism outstanding person, perhaps I have never done oneself should do duty. Good good study, diligently work, cherish the time, I didn't do much, I haven't received the conscience condemnation, seem to be getting sleepy after a dozen years, responsibility is like as light as a feather, the light is about to be blown away from my heart.

Ha ha, what a big the power of books also. Grow up, reading more, just dawned on responsibility, the comparable to faith, heavier than everything. Back in his shoulder bag, every day I don't think it's multiple, even if full of books I can be very easily, still smiling slightly. But can carry responsibility is not to the flesh, compares the east of faith need to host a clean soul, if the heart is not a kind man, how could take responsibility for their own actions? Just thinking about their own interests. I think probably just days before the arrival of the responsibility that people would have run, not responsibility, is thrown into the trash can. No, this estimate is not to protect the environment, but lost in the empty street.

I just want to understand why responsibility will fall on everyone's head. Was killed people seem to have a lot of?

In order to survive?

I think it should be.

Every day to read my responsibility, but reading is for tomorrow, a sunny future, now I finally understand everything: say what responsibility is lofty, ha ha, is in order to survive the excuse, though, now everything is going to packaging, to sell better, bad naked ah.

Even I have been fooled for a long time.

Although I don't want to admit that, but the truth is ugly, so everything was deified SINS.










On the language lesson today, just as we were doing reading volume, some students are in the "look in all directions. To this, the teacher in the classroom, specially how to do a responsible person, and how to strengthen the moral cultivation, after I listened to was education.

I know a person is born, is accompanied by a variety of responsibility. At home, are responsible for this home; In the school, are responsible for the class; In society, are responsible for society. A man without sense of responsibility, will all of what they do not consider the consequences, would be too much to relax. Do not assume responsibility, also won't have the right, the future is hard to stand in the society. So, I think a man without sense of responsibility, it is shameful.

A person also should have the tutelage to speak. Culture is a reflection of individual moral character, it is reflected in people's words and deeds. But some students in our class, always like to do some unpleasant things. Next class, for example, no one noticed him, he was Shouting, want through this way to let others pay attention to him, in fact, this is a sign of no accomplishment. This will only diminish their status in the eyes of others. A has the tutelage, is low-key, in our daily life that has grade, talk is healthy, the gallery, and they have no China only friendly and funny. A cultured person, always can get respect from others.

So, we want to know their responsibilities, strengthen their moral accomplishment. "Young wisdom, wisdom, strong young strong countries." We are the builders of the motherland in the future, not only to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, but also has the good moral cultivation, only having both ability and political integrity, in order to make a greater contribution to society.








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