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2023-06-01 02:36:03




"If is not dark forces killed the weak life, today, the world may be more a great writer." - translator NingYing comments so Anne frank.

Is the author of "the diary of Anne Anne frank, is about world war ii, Anne and her family to escape the German hunting and escape in her father's spice warehouse. Life boring, depressed, and time of the warehouse. Annie, no friends, no one can tell the people, so she took her diary as a friend, she changed her mind is recorded in the journal.

In fact, I don't want to recall fragments of the book, more because of the whole book is filled with a kind of sadness, is the fear of death and the fear of the unknown. "There can be no light, no sound, only the night can breathe the fresh air." Depressive mood may be irrational.

Annie is a beautiful and intelligent girl, she likes to collect movie stars, like reading, brilliant, eager to be a journalist or a writer. Everything but she was killed in the middle of the cabin. Annie has experienced more than two years of time in the middle of the cabin, this period of adolescent rebellion and longings for love, opposite the desire and the pursuit of dreams.

Every day to live in fear, unlucky day has finally arrived. In August 1944, Anne and her family was green police found that locked up in a concentration camp, to the end of the war, his father was the only one who survived.

War should not have to destroy such a harmony and happiness of a family, especially so innocent and lovely a jewish girl at the age of 15. She longed to be, just is a school, a friend, be loved, love and be people care about, and all this, were buried in the war.

War let precocious, brave, think of the little girl. We live in an age of peace, never grasp to the second world war to bring the pain of the jews, and the racial discrimination is for what we don't understand. Watching the family drift from place to place, doing the superhuman effort in concentration camps, and the abuse of illegal, our hearts, so don't hate. People hunger for raw is strong, the desire to survive can force them to make some unexpected things, only the mind, can let a person the strong survive.

Anne frank's diary on a little girl's face, let us feel the cruelty of war from the side. Children are innocent, the germans committed iniquity has made thousands of innocent people to suffer.

After reading the diary of Anne frank, I for a long time can not calm. Once a period of time my situation is somewhat similar to Anne, my lack of friends, no one complained of heart. So, I left my diary as my friend, keep write her diary, day after day to overcome loneliness, vent. Perhaps in life there are stressed and busy, also have a lot of things bother. But realized the jews during world war ii, experienced by all this, we are nothing.

I think of wenchuan earthquake surviving children, I admire their courage, also think of some of the children of today's society because of small setbacks and took things too hard, and the contrast of the spreading in my heart, I think, is the meaning of life.












You may also have the habit of keeping a diary, but have you ever seen this moment in "chamber of secrets" under the threat of death in the young girl's diary?

Anne is a jewish girl. Again big during world war ii, Anne a diary for more than two years, from 13 to 15. Anne's father to do business, and my mother is a housewife, the home also has a big sister margarita, she was three years old. Hitler in Germany in 1933 fully implementing dictatorship and unrestrained persecution of the jews. Annie a refuge to the Netherlands in 1933, but the German army invaded Holland. Hitler saw jews as inferior people, want to jews from net exterminated. After eight people in the secret room had a tough time for two years. With the help of friends, but they still live in fear every day. Secret after the house was kind person become selfish, originally and honest people outside also is forced to steal to rob. But someone snitches, eight people in addition to her father suffered misfortune, Anne and her sister margarita, was eventually transferred to bergen - "camp, in early March 1945 (liberated a few weeks ago) died of typhoid fever.

I very much sympathy for the sufferings of Anne and her diary size as I do, and when she was in the secret room after life difficult. She and I than is different! Annie in the diary faithfully record two years secretive and hard life condition, his lonely, depressed, the reality of fear and loathing, opposite pursuit and longing, yearning for the future and wish, to war, human nature deep thinking, but the war in return for her is suffering and death. Think about the life of now, the memories of Anne life, now you know how happy they are, how happy! Annie after the secret room did not despair, she insists on reading, writing diary, hope in a peaceful world as a writer and journalist, display their talents, can contribute to society. Annie in the diary to write down her to friendship and to race, view of military, and so on. In the small world of dozens of square, everyone always worry was found, have been abducted. They often air raid alarm frightened, aircraft bomb threat... Annie in the diary to observe carefully, the article unobstructed, vivid, really let a person feel surprising alas!

War is only a kind of tragedy, it will destroy us in the finer things in life, Anne for a long and painful wait for peace, only suffering and death. Like Anne waiting for more than one of peace, let's say out loud: "long live peace! Long live the unity!"








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