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2023-06-01 04:57:11


导语: 梦想没有大小之分,也没有贫富之分。梦想是让人坚持的动力,梦想是让人行走的力量。下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的`知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Remember my first grade have an exam because careless didn't got full marks, students choose me when learning star, while the teacher don't think I learn seriously, did not do well, don't let me when learning star, named Guo Wenqing when.

I was frustrated, have no confidence in myself.

At this time, I watched a cartoon: "Jackie chan adventures. Said the Lord in the animated cartoon rewritten the history of the years, he himself to rule the world, then Jackie chan, not discouraged, but try their best to deal with the Lord! In the end he succeeded. Successful defeat Lord!

I saw him in times of trouble did not give up faith, hope, thought of myself, I just had a little setback in study, is desperate, really should not, I should cheer up! The lesson for the next time the star of learning! I always believe in myself! So, I make a problem from then on, should be carefully, slowly, get rid of the bad carelessness, weight loss has turned out to be careful. So I will always keep the good grades, grade the first good result!

This setback made me know at any time don't give up faith, believe in yourself, the lesson, you will succeed!







Who won't encounter obstacles in life, but how many "who" could to overcome them? So when we meet with life bumpy, should choose strong.

This is a story to overcome obstacles.

Of life that is in the northwest, we're going to far away for a job, the team set out to cross the gobi, with people of no cars, no roads, send us to go there only a few tens of llamas. Then, in the days of a getting a long camel, silently walked into the desert. No trees, no a bunch of weeds and walked a whole day, didn't see a figure, just walked in silence, we eat on the hump, drink on the hump, wag of swinging, we slept on the hump.

Go ah, go ah, go from morning till noon, and from noon to dusk, sitting on a camel's back has been exhausted, and only the camel walked step by step, no restlessness, not a little tired, is walking, silently endured the destiny to arrange everything for them...

At this time, what do you think of? Contrast camels, our life, is not as difficult to camel, but a camel can insist, can succeed, so dear classmates, do we have to change yourself?

Thank you very much.










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