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2023-06-02 04:00:02




The Chinese government will deal with any confirmed food safety cases in a responsible manner and in accordance with laws, a parliament spokesman said in Beijing on Tuesday.

"There are indeed very few companies in China which neglect our country's laws, regulations and standards, dodge quarantine and tests, and have their unqualified products smuggled into foreign markets via illegal channels," said Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress , at a press conference.

Our government will intensify its efforts to crack down on such illegal activities and prevent any under-quality food from being exported.





there is no denying the fact that food safety is a grave problem with which this country is confronted. a joke goes that everyone who can survive in china can survive in any other part of the world, which means that the test one faces in china in terms of food safety is the gravest in the world. the most notable instance might be the notorious san lu milk powder scandal which has drawn considerable publicity in the past months. causing kidney stones among thousands of infants and deaths of some of them, the milk powder containing overdose melamine is but one example of numerous substandard food products in this country. while blaming those wrongdoers and sympathizing those victims, we must examine the fundamental causes of the problem and work out effective solutions.

though many other countries, even countries like the u.s. and japan, have also experienced food safety crises in some periods of their development, maybe none of them has witnessed food safety problems on such a large scale and during such a long period of time. actually, problematic food products had been with us for quite a long time before we realized them and almost no single food or even drink can be claimed absolutely safe. flours may contain too much chemicals like brightener that can turn them into the desirable color; meat might have been produced by animals that have consumed chemicals to add to the red part of meat; vegetables may have too much remnants of pesticides on their leaves; even milk and other beverages may have in them poisonous chemicals to make them smell flagrant and tasty.

why are substandard food

we needn’t go far to see the disastrous consequences of the food safety crisis. not only are people’s health and lives directly threatened, but tremendous amounts of resources are wasted. the thousands of tons of milk powder burned to ashes is a case in point. furthermore, an atmosphere of dishonesty and disbelief will permeate the entire society, which will not only hinder thedevelopment of economy but will ruin the nation spiritually.








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