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2023-06-03 04:31:02




This morning, I eat breakfast, take chopsticks to the kitchen, found that there are a lot of in the kitchen eating food, so I just took a dish cloth, serious to wash bowl chopsticks, see mother wash up at ordinary times is very loose, the original is so difficult, mom in the kitchen with a bowl, said; XinPeng, wash the dishes! Wash more than busy mother wash clean. Stopped this sentence, I have to burn, I tried to wash, not for a moment, I just finished washing bowls and chopsticks, and wash the bowl chopsticks again, put their classification.

It was really a meaningful to wash dishes!




Today at noon, I saw mom around a lot of to stay in the bathroom to wash the clothes, just like: mother so hard, I should do something as he could and? So, I went to the toilet, said to his mother: "mom, I will do it for you." Mom replied, "well, you'll have to wash." "Don't worry, I wash must make you satisfied."

I looked at the pile of clothes, proudly thought: hum, wash his clothes, and it is too simple. Soap rub two times, and then flushing water not line? At that time, mom will mercilessly praise me, ha ha...

I will be full of confidence on the pool filled with water, put the clothes in, everything is ready, then pick up the soap, clothes will split the lower-left corner on the edge of the pool, let soapy of paint on it. Mother came along, and pointed to the pool, said: "the laundry, wash the sleeve again, and then wash the front opening." I in accordance with the method of mother said that, although the wash more organized, but still very slow, washing ten minutes to wash a piece. And I also have been almost lift arm ache. I want to back down.

"Mom, I'm tired, take a rest first?" "Said must wash well, talk big." Brother suddenly appear, make my face red with a "brush", "really tired." Of course I can't meet face in brother, "but for you kiddo, or a piece of cake." Alas, need continue to wash again.

After an hour of hard work, hand bubble wrinkled, but finally ready to go. When I think everything is all right, mom cut 1: "and rinse well. Remember, to repeat."

Do things to do in the end, I put a basin of cold bone-chilling cold water, put the clothes in rub a rub, a dip. Do this for three times, in order to be ready, hands were numb with cold.

Today, I realized my mother's hard work, and decided to no longer do not cherish other people's work achievement.











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