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2023-06-04 02:38:03




Ideal is the sail, taking us to the shore of success; Ideal is the lamp, illuminates the dark night. Life, because have ideal, because have ideal and meaningful life, rich and colorful because of the ideal.

My ideal is what? The teacher? An engineer? Designer? I prefer to become a doctor. "Heal the wounded and rescue the dying, to save lives." Is not only a mission, but also a responsibility. Doctor, dressed in a white coat, neck hung a stethoscope, holding my hand when patients need most, bring them hope and win over the confidence of the pain, perform a "white angel" sacred mission, and disease. In my heart, their career is one of the greatest and the most high. Their fearlessness in the spirit of dedication, make I admire!

I since the childhood was born in a hospital, growth in the hospital, home most of the members are all doctors, since I am sensible, I chose to become a doctor, my parents told me a lot of medical knowledge, in "medical books", in the family influence, to the doctor this career, I am full of yearning and longing.

In the third grade, I was determined to become a doctor, now, I have been a grade 6 students, I am going to enter the palace of middle school, now, to me is not a child what all don't understand, now of I, for some things have their own unique views and opinions, parents have repeatedly said to me: "doctor, is indeed a great job, but it's not your" home "". I'm not sure in the future days I will change my mind, but I'm sure that I must make a contribution to society, even if it is a cleaner.

Each people all have ideal, sailing for the ideal, for ideal of the heart to ferment in the sweat! Once, there is a ideal, let us together to chase, for the sake of heart of ideal, raise self windsurfing, sailing!







Everyone has his own ideal, some people want to be a doctor, to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, some people want to be entrepreneurs, to create more wealth for the society... And my ideal is to be a teacher.

I want to, I want to be a good teacher, to the impoverished mountainous area to teach in the future. In my mind, teachers are like anonymity you a candle, burns himself, lights others and consumes itself. In order to my ideal, I want to learn more knowledge to teach the children there I learn, I learn to educate them, solve their students have what trouble, I want to be a good teacher wisdom and ability.

Do the teacher also because I have a special emotion to this career. Since I was young, I know being a teacher is not the simple things, the Chinese teacher, the teacher of our class, she accompanied us through the six during the spring and autumn, she obscurity, in particular, she gave birth to the child's persist in a few days ago to teach us, this kind of respect-work spirit let I touched, I added to the teacher's love of this great career. So, the more I find my ideal to be a teacher. This not only can bring knowledge to mountain children, still can teach our children or relatives. The teacher's work is very easy, mother have a holiday, we can also have a holiday, and wages are high.

See this selfless teacher, I am going to put the spirit bear up delay, as my ideal to strive, to running towards my teacher this career, I hope my respect more than just a beautiful dream in the future.








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