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2023-06-05 02:54:13


导语:书读得越多而不加思索,你就会觉得你知道得很多;而当你读书而思考得越多的时候,你就会越清楚地看到,你知道得还很少。 下面是小编为大家理的,英语范文。希望对大家有所帮,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


A ten-year-old girl in shaanxi, because home poor, no money to go to school again. She knelt in front of my mother cry to say: mom, as long as you let me go to school, I don't have a meal later. The days that followed, when others eat lunch with relish, she can only hide in the school on the hill looking at the sky trance. In sichuan there was a girl named xiao yun, drop out of school, his cooking at home during the day, feeding pigs, take out the books in the collection of the self-study in the evening. Final exam that day, after chores, she came to the school, with a half finished papers in class, and a tearful wrote four words: I want to go to school! Listen to the story, I cry. Now the country has launched the hope project activities, I'm going to help children, dad and I contribute an own strength.

I have heard the story tell dad, and said that my idea, dad said, now let's have some money in the home, but that is for you to go to school with, you still in high school and college in the future! Refuses to accept, I also want to say what, a look, dad said: I have a business to talk, have a night! I watched disappear at the door, very disappointed, like a frustrated ball listless. My mother said to me: your dad is a brain dead, doesn't make sense. Hum, I won't believe this evil. I wondering, home is very poor, dad didn't also the chance to study my flashes, eyes a bright, had, with this recruit: xiao zhi Daniel, and I think you will begin to understand!




Since the earth with humans, the knowledge will sprout in the human wisdom, from the ancient of days eat birds and animals raw to height of contemporary civilization, each time the progress of the society. All show the huge role of knowledge. The progress of knowledge, to promote the development of history and promoted the human civilization. Knowledge is power!

At present, popular in the world such a saying: whether a country, a nation is prosperous, prosperous, see this country, the people of this nation culture knowledge level. I think that makes sense. Even if a country is not rich enough, but as long as it has the wisdom of the people, have importance to knowledge tradition, it can be asserted: this country is promising. And if a country, a nation is very rich, but to feed a group of "competent", the result must be sad. It will gradually decline.

In the history of the tang dynasty was formed "kaiyuan time" boom. In addition to the emperor's enlightened, the main reason is the development of science and technology in all walks of life to fully. Domestic talent, the state is strong, sublime.

In ancient times, the wind and rain lightning and other natural phenomena, are regarded as the act of god. Whenever the drought, the people kill pig slaughter a sheep. On the altar, kowtowing to god, to obey monk called chicken calls the rain. Today, these seem to be too foolish, but it is not lead to the inevitable result of knowledge. Now we have scientific knowledge, the artificial rainfall approach, even met drought, crops can grow very well. "God" nor card our necks. Man can conquer nature, it is because people have the knowledge.

Thus, the country's prosperity, prosperity is inseparable from the knowledge.









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