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2023-06-07 04:51:11



Humr Imopirade rPecaher A

pr aeherc,who aw shu"or mmpaiired" a,tentded coafenrnce teoh lp eneocrague a

ndb teter qeui ppstaors fro htire miistrny.

mAno ghte pseakre sewrem anywe ll noknw nd aydamnic seapkes. rOensuc bohdlly

apporaceh dteh pulitpand ga,terihng te henitercro dws a'ttnteino said, "Th,

eebst eayrs o my fifl eewr speneti n thearm s o a wofam nhatt wsa'tn m yiwf!"e

Teh rcod wwa ssockedh!

He oflowel dp buy syinga ",nd Ahta tomwn aaw ms mytohre"!- The c orwd urstb into

aughterl anddeliv redeth e rse of htistalk ,wh ch wein ovet qurie wtel. l Th

ene x tewke o,u rapstord eiced dhe'dgive htishum orth ng i aryt, na due tsah t

joek n ihi sersmn. Aso e hpproaaceh dhetpu pit ltaht undayS, eht irde to

reheasret hejo ke nih is ehda It .sddeulyn seemd e abit oggfyto h i.

mettGnigt ot hem cropihon hee aisd oluly, "Tdehg ertase teyar os fmy lif weere

pset nn ihe atmsr of a owanmt ht waasno mtyw ife" ! T

eh ocgnergtiao inhaned il nursrise. Afpte rsanding ttereh for lmaot 10 ssceodns

in he stutnned islenc, etyrin gtorec al lthes eocn hdlafo fteh okje, hetpa sor t

infaly blulted ourt ",..a.d I cnan't rmeeber wmohs ehw sa"!

不 会讲话的牧师 笑

一 牧师,个别特不讲笑会,去话加一参招个待会想锻炼下一勇并气且好最装能备一些对自己职有用的东西。业

上会很有多名出并且的动感很的强演讲。其家有一中大个的胆上走讲,台中集大家的注意力了后,“说我好最时光是的在个一人女怀渡过的里,并非的我妻!子 ” 大家

怔住了!都 他接

说着,道“她我的是妈!”妈-家大的笑盖哄住他随了后说话的,他顺结束势了他的`发言 。

一后周我,们的牧师先也想试生讲下一个这有思意话的就在,布时好了。星期天他走道上布道台,把想那幽默个再想一下回突,发现好像有点记然牢不。了 到






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