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2023-06-08 03:21:05



On the occasion of the arrival of the Spring Festival, I wish you good health, work smoothly, happy happy life, a happy family! I wish you in the future

days worry a bit less, until disappear, a little more happiness, until forever!

Heart to! Think of! Get! See! Smell! To eat! F to! To the! Money to! The Spring Festival! Let my blessing to the first

Winter spring hundreds of flowers, send a message to the quartet, east to send you a cash cow, send you forever ankang, south west to send hello

business, north to send you the money full box. Have, not to the New Year and another year.

My old friend, the New Year again. New Year wish you: 1 Ma Pingchuan 200 million assets have a road before 3 4 sea every source 5 star hotel 6 disc of a

bowl of 7 xi rimmon 8 surface size 9 foot rice full 10 PM to work, happy every day!

Dear, this moment I can't in your side, but I use my deepest thoughts, let the cloud bring my blessing, embellish your sweet dream, wish you have

happiness and my life sweet!

Father is my wind wall, mother is my umbrellas. The way home, long way to far away from home; Will be New Year's eve, the whole family happy! I wish my

dear mom and dad healthy body, all the best!

No matter where I am, I hope that is only a turned and distance from you. On this special day, let my heart dance together with you. I wish you a happy

New Year, peace and health!

Thanks to friends for many years to my concern, on the eve of Spring Festival held '! That my heart has certain status will I get my free provide the

value of the yuan a hair of winter jasmine text messages. Congratulations on winning

New Year, please observe the four cardinal principles: will the god of wealth to keep to the end, will hold the happiness, good luck will embrace what,

will love through to the end! Must be strictly observed until the revolution victory!

Let peace build on the fast track in the winter, let happiness be with you hug, let difficulties and you sit up and take notice, let agony bowed their

heads and walked quietly away, let auspicious tone to you, let happiness forever smile to you! I wish a happy New Year!

Sincere, is better than two hundred gold; The balmy, for Wan Lihan frost, a loud greetings, send warm and sweet; A text message, take all my mind! Let my

friends all the best in the New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish career as marxist development, radiant charm like * * * thought, life such as deng - small - ping theory deduce story of spring,

wealth with XXXX to keep pace with The Times!

Business do not need to be extra achievements. Friendship does not need to say riddle, just thinking about. Don't need to take money, enough is enough.

Friends do not need to how many, how you will do. Friend, I wish you a happy New Year!

I want to use the sun warm you, star decorated with you, with wine drunk, you use food to meet you, you with happiness, but I don't do god for a long

time, can only use SMS bless you, happy New Year!

You are my winter cotton-padded jacket, the darkness of the light bulb, the hunger of the bread, ice cream in summer. The Spring Festival you're not here

with me, I what all have no. The only missing into message to wish you a happy New Year.



















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