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if i have a lot of money英语作文

2023-06-08 07:10:03

2017关于if i have a lot of money英语作文


if i have a lot of money英语作文【篇一】

Money is necessary in our daily life, without money, we can hardly survive. So, people want to rich, so do I. If I had money, I will do a lot of meaningful things.

If I had money, I will take out some money to southeast Asia, let them after the tsunami and earthquake are better able to rebuild their homes. I will also buy some aircraft, let them carrying relief supplies to disaster areas, into the hands of every people, let people no longer to do not have enough to eat and wear not warm.

If I had money, I will contribute to environmental causes. I will buy lots of trees in the Arbor Day is, to every one, let it be. These seedlings grow up slowly, into the forest, green environment, and make animals have their own homes, makes the relationship between human and animals more closely. I will also donate some money to the environmental protection department, let them contribute to environmental protection. So, the earth will become "the day"!

If I had money, I will think of children. I will take in the poor mountainous area school. These schools very little tuition, and TV, computer, sports facilities, etc., as much as the school in the city. Let the children learn rich knowledge, here to build a home, make people out of poverty, to happiness. I will also needs for some homeless children, and let them can also be happy to learn, grow, become a pillars just of the motherland.

If I had money, I would...






if i have a lot of money英语作文【篇二】

If I have money, I'll give it to them.

If I have money, I will donate part of the mountains, cover where school, open up a whole wide roads, also can let the children go to school, let them in higher education, let them go to school don't have to walk the bumpy mountain road.

If I have money, I will donate some of the orphanage, let happy growth of the children there.

If I have money, I would buy lots of trees and flowers, with part of in the desert, let there verdant, let the earth mother for a few years younger. And I'll put on a few potted flower in front of every household, let whole street environment more beautiful, the air is more fresh. Let the whole street have the smell of flowers,

If I have money, I will use part of it in place to cover a few house close to the ocean, let my family and poor people live there, let them always hear the sound of the sea.

If I have money, I would buy a lot of delicious, with part of the fun, beautiful clothes, shoes, for those poor children, let them happier.

If I have money, I will take my family to visit famous tourist attractions.

If I have money...

Want to be rich is struggle hard, study hard, work hard, hard to his ideal, to their own success, let the sun rises for us tomorrow.










【2017关于if i have a lot of money英语作文】



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