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2023-06-10 05:16:15





假如你是王娜,今天你去学校英语角练习口语,英语角讨论的话题是“My Summer vacation“


1 在家待了一周:做作业,练习钢琴

2 去看望祖父母:陪他们聊天,帮他们做家务

3 去大连旅游:游泳,购物……

I had an interesting summer vacation. I stayed at home for a week. I did my homewor k first. And I practiced the piano. Then I went to visit my grandparents by train. I stayed there for five days. I talked with them and helped them do some homework. After that, I went to Dalian with my parents. We swam in the sea and took a walk on the beach. We went shopping and ate some special food, too. We really enjoyed ourselves there.


I have many hobbies, such as playing tennis, writing stories and climbing mountains. Tennis is my favorite sports. I join the tennis club. I go there to play tennis twice a week. I think it is good for my health and can help me relax. I often write stories on weekends. I feel very happy when I finish a story. I climb mountains once a week. It is cool and exciting.


My best friend is Tina. We look the same in some ways, but we are different

from each other in some ways. We both have black eyes and black hair. I am as tall as Tina. However, she is thinner than me, because she eats healthier food. She is more outgoing and hard-working than me. She always get better grades. Tina is the most beautiful girl in my class. She always wears the smartest clothes. So, she is one of the most popular students in our class. I am glad to make a friend with her.


(Animal World, Sports Show, Soap Opera)

What do you think of Animal World? For me, I like to watch it very much. I expect to know many interesting animals from it. But, my sister doesn’t love watching it, because she thinks it is boring. My father and I really love the Sports Show. We think it makes us exciting. What does my mother like best? She likes Soap Operas. She thinks they are enjoyable but I think they are meaningless. I can’t stand them.


The New Year is coming. I want to have a good start. I’m going to make four resolutions. The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. I’m going to

take up a new hobby. I’m going to learn to dance because I love dancing very much. The second resolution is about improving my physical health. I’m going to get more exercise and eat less junk food.. I think it is good for my health. The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends. I’m going to spend more time with my family and learn to share with my friends. The last resolution is about how to do better at school. I’m going to study harder and read more books. I think I can get good grades. I will try my best to keep these resolutions. I believe I can do it!

以My future为题写一篇作文

What will my life be like in the future? I think I’ll be a teacher in ten years. If I become a teacher, I will meet a lot of interesting students. And I will teach them how to learn English well and make friends with them. I will live in Changsha. And there will be more trees and less pollution. If I have enough free time, I will travel to many wonderful places. Maybe I will have a robot in my home. I think I will also keep a dog as a pet. The life in the future will be wonderful. I will try my best to make my dream come true.

加入你是张璐,下周六你要在家举办一次朋友聚会,你想邀请你的.朋友Emma来参加这次聚会。根据提示写一封邀请函。日期:下周六,11月30 ,时间5:00p.m.-8:00p.m. 地点:7Bridge Street 人物:我的朋友

Dear Emma,

How are you? I’d like to invite you to my party. I will have the party in my house next Saturday, November 30. It will be from 5:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. My house is at 7 Bridge Street. I plan to ask many of my friends to come to the party. Maybe you can make some friends here. For dinner, my mother will prepare delicious dishes for us. After dinner, we can dance and watch TV.

Please let me know by next Tuesday if you come to the party.


Zhang Lu


Dear Tim,

Thank you for asking me to your birthday party at half past six on Friday evening. I’d love to come to your party. But I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t come that day. Because my sister is ill and my parents went to Dalian to visit my grandparents. They can’t come back until next Sunday. For this reason, I can’t go out. I have to look after my little sister at home. Maybe I can go to your house on Sunday afternoon. I’ll bring you a nice present. I hope you will have a good time.






我的六一作文350字 我的一片天空作文500字 生活让我懂得了什么作文 被哥哥打屁股的作文 我的寒假生活作文600 六年级上册英语第二单元作文 坚持就是胜利作文800字 我心向阳作文800字 三年级观察植物作文300字 推荐一本好书作文450字 美丽的三亚作文300字 身边的感动作文600字 50字作文大全60篇 难忘的一件事作文800字 知识的力量作文600字 我好开心作文300字 写元宵节的作文400字 我好高兴作文300字 为什么点赞作文600字 感恩母亲作文1000字 我的梦想是当一名老师作文 上海市高考作文题目 什么的启示作文500字 成长的味道作文600字 当我面对困难的时候作文 关于国庆的作文450字 我们是一家人600字作文 关于六一的作文三年级 一个什么的人作文400字 里的微感动作文600字