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2023-06-11 05:55:01



Huang xinhui is my deskmate. She is nice. She is 12 years old. She has got two big eyes, a nice and tall nose, and a small red mouth. Her hair is long and black. I think she is beautiful.

She is good at singing and drawing. She does well in her lessons, as well. She can also speak English very well. In her spare time, she often helps me with my English. At the same time, she is my good friend.

Her birthday is on the same day with mine. It’s on February 4th. But I am an hour older than her.

We both study hard, and we can learn from each other.


我的同桌叫黄莘惠。她可棒了,虽然她今年还只有12岁。她有着小嘴巴,高鼻梁, 忽闪忽闪的大眼睛,和一头乌黑发亮的长发。在我眼里,她可漂亮了。 她不仅擅长唱歌和画画,对于我们所学的每门功课也都很在行。此外,她的英语口头表达能力也很强。并且总是利用自己的空余时间帮助我学英语。最重要的是,我们还是很友好的朋友。

更幸运的是,我们居然是同年同月同日出生的--2月4日。这真是难得的缘分啊!嘿嘿, 可是我一不小心就比她大了一个小时。


My New Villa


In 2014, I have got a new villa. It is not only big but also beautiful. It isn’t in the center of Guilin. The out-wall of my villa is blue. It has got five floors. On the first floor, there is a sitting room and a kitchen. At night, my parents often watch television in the sitting room. On the second floor, there is a study and some bedrooms. At the weekend, I always do my homework and read some books in the study. Most of the furniture in the bedrooms is blue. Do you know why? Because blue is my favorite color. From the third floor to the fifth floor, there are lots of empty rooms. In front of my new villa, there are lots of trees and flowers.

I think my villa is beautiful. Don't you think so?


在2014年,我们家在桂林买下了一幢五层楼的又大又漂亮的别墅。客厅和厨房位于一楼.每天晚上我爸爸妈妈在工作之余都会在客厅休息并欣赏好看的电视节目; 书房和卧室在二楼. 每到周末我要么在书房里看书要么做功课.房间里大部分的家具都是蓝色的.你知道这是为什么吗?因为蓝色是我的最爱.从三楼到五楼,还有许多空房间. 在我的别墅四周种着很多花和树. 我觉得我家的别墅真漂亮啊, 不是吗?

My Favorite Festival


There are lots and lots of festivals in a year, such as New Year, Halloween, Christmas and so on. Which one do I like best?

On that day, a lot of people tell lies to their friends. And then they clap their hands and say “ Ha,ha… , you are really a dull! This is just a lie.

Can you guess now? It’s Fool’s Day. It is on the first of April. During the time, we can tell lies to the others, but the others won’t be angry with us. It is very funny and interesting. I love it so much.



现在你知道答案了吧。对了,就是愚人节。愚人节在每年的四月一日。在这一天里我们可以尽情的展示你骗人的伎俩, 挨耍的人还不能生气的.哦。这不仅滑稽而且有趣。我可喜欢愚人节了。

My Favorite Teacher


My favorite teacher is our English teacher. Her name is Xirong Zeng. We always call her Miss Zeng. She has got long black hair, two big eyes, and a tall small nose. She is young. And I think she is beautiful. In her class, she likes playing games with us to practice our English in different ways. We can always have a good time in her class. Sometimes, she takes us to buy something we like. She has got a cute daughter. Her daughter is more than 1 year old. We can enjoy some pictures of her daughter. This is my favourite teacher. We like her very much.

我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师曾喜容老师.她有着高鼻子,大眼睛和一头乌黑的长头发. 她不仅年轻而且很漂亮.为了提高我们学英语的积极性,她总是在上课和想尽办法的和我们玩游戏. 所以我们总是能一边玩一边学.在我们表现很棒的时候,她会带我们外出购物. 她有一个一岁多的可爱的女儿,有时候我们可以欣赏到宝宝的美美照.





父亲节祝福语作文 迎国庆贺中秋作文 五年级上册语文第四单元作文 渴望什么作文500字 我心中的一幅画作文 写一篇关于新年的作文 童年的回忆作文四百字 西湖游记作文400字 新年感悟作文600字 关于写人的作文五年级 关于诚信的作文400字 我的同学作文好开头 可爱的小狗作文100字 河源的变化作文 2050年的地球作文 今年吉林高考作文 难得这样作文600字 走进大自然作文600字 成人高考专升本英语作文 我有一个梦作文600字 我爱我家作文450字 快乐春节500字作文 母亲让我自豪作文 写去哪里玩的作文 六年级上册语文第七单元作文 什么也是一种幸福作文 今年中考的作文是什么 关于冬的作文600字 有关科学技术的作文 五一见闻作文600字