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2023-06-24 05:48:01




just be happy spread sunshine all over the world. If compare our life to a pie what do you want to make the most part of the pie if you control the process of making the pie of life? Obviously the majority of people will add happiness to the pie as many as possible. Do you know why? It’s just because happiness stands for sweet in most people’s mind including me. Happiness is a flower living in the sunshine and it is not difficult to reach for it. It means that we can choose to be happy if we want as long as we can comment on everything in a positive way. Let’s try together to create a world filled up with smiling faces and sunshine.



I was a volunteer was an orphanage. Watching the children 's innocent smile my heart filled with a heat wave. Though I can't always continue to help them but as long as you helped there will be harvest. Listen to the children happy laughter I feel sweet heart after all they suffer badly as we are so happy. They surrounded me always call my brother ( sister ) I am very happy this naive cry has almost disappeared in my side. To feel the breath of fresh my mood is also very good happy life.



There are a lot of difference between newspaper and information on internet. One of important things is that it is not convenient to save and look up information on newspaper while the information on internet is easier to save. Another important thing is that you must pay some money for reading any newspaper. But you can get information on internet without paying. The third main difference is there are a lot of specific experts editing newspaper. By contrast anyone can claim their ideas on internet freely.

But there are still some same things between these. At the beginning with they all concentrate the latest news. The second is both of them has attractive title and colorful pictures. Finally they all get profit by publishing advertisement.

Summarily in my opinion the information on internet is more helpful for me.







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