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2023-07-08 02:34:01




Is the secret of physical motion, only the constant movement, to exercise out a healthy body. There are many the way of physical exercise is. Example: play basketball, football, jogging... And so on, is a good exercise. Among them, my favorite sport is playing basketball.

Playing basketball can not only strengthen, can also help you grow taller, a basketball star like yao Ming, because playing basketball every day, just can have a good figure of two hundred and twenty-five cm. The players on the basketball court, each big, every time when watching the basketball game, I always envy.

Next class, I would appear in the basketball court, sometimes I and others play, enjoy the pitch stimulation; Sometimes alone, enjoy the fun of playing. Remember have a PE lesson, the teacher asked us to group game, started behind us, to a half, in the intense game, we at one point, get the victory, the game also leave deep memories in my heart.

People often said: "reading makes people celebrities, sports make people strong." Exercise helps us strong body, maintain body and mind. So, we should exercise every day, and more than 30 minutes, so you don't into the wind blow fell!






I recently fell in love with playing basketball, every day a free will to the basketball court playing basketball, I love to play basketball for a while. Mom and dad don't opposition, father sometimes and I like to play for a while?

My skill is not very good, binary ball can also, just 3 · · · · · · I love playing basketball In my community, also good not only I a person likes to play basketball. Holiday, these days I basic is to practice myself in the morning and afternoon and other basketball fans play test of neighborhood, sometimes is two to two, sometimes three to three...... in a word, no matter how many people, we simply can and play basketball together, even if only two people, we play basketball the enthusiasm of the no reduction. Although my age is small. Head is nothing like the others, but I is generally accepted that "hoops" I love playing basketball, and I play basketball's enthusiasm is the highest. Play basketball, of course, such a sport activities, is necessarily could get hurt. My ankle was injured every day these days...... however, even if I was black and blue all over, I will, as always, love basketball!

I believe that as long as I practice, is not inferior to others!


我的球技还不是很好,二分球还可以,只是三分球嘛······我爱打篮球 还好我们小区里并不是只有我一个人喜欢打篮球。放假的这几天,我基本是上午自己练球,下午和小区里其它篮球爱好者一起打对抗赛,有时候是二对二,有时候三对三······总之,不管有多少人,我们都可以痛痛快快地一起打篮球,就算只有两个人,我们打篮球的热情也丝毫不减。虽然我年龄小。个头也比不上其他人,但我是大家公认的“投篮高手”我爱打篮球,而且我打篮球的积极性是最高的。当然啦,打篮球这样的体育竞技活动,免不了是会受伤的。我的脚踝这几天就天天受伤······不过,就算我遍体鳞伤,我也会一如既往的热爱篮球!





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