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2023-07-10 02:50:01




I like summer best, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Summer, the sun like a ball of fire, burning to according to the earth, and the flourishing big tree, grass green, like the earth covered with a piece of green carpet. The red roses, the yellow crescent flowers, like the little trumpets of the trumpet, are like the most beautiful landscape in the world.

In summer, there is my favorite floral dress. Every two or three days, I go swimming in the swimming pool. On the shore I stretch my legs, bend my waist, move, and then leap into the pool. After a while, I swam the breaststroke like a baby frog, a circle, two laps, and then I swam back and back. Sometimes I have to wear goggles and dive into the water to explore.

The summer evenings are my happiest moment. After dinner, my little partner and I were in the garden. We play games, play duck across the river, play "three words" and play "eagle catch chicken". Play games, we still tell stories, eat Popsicle, happy!

Summer is beautiful, summer is happy, I like summer.







I love summer. I love summer. How fragrant the summer flowers are; The summer fruits are sweet; The summer sky is so busy.

Summer is the sweet season that every child yearns for. The people of summer are industrious; The people of summer are very happy; The people of summer are very beautiful. The summer people wore that happy smile on their faces.

I love summer. I love summer. Summer is the kingdom of flowers, summer is the sea of flowers, and there is no room for the bright flowers in summer. Look! In the pond, in the lake, the pool of the lotus flowers blossomed, like the sweet smile of the girl in the wash. Look! Above the mountains, the elegant lily is in full bloom, like a princess with fragrance in her pride.

I love summer. I love summer. Summer is the home of the fruit, the summer is the sweet fruit of the fruit, and the sweet fruit of summer is full of the world.

Look! The bright watermelons, green clothes, long plaits, red and black, like a sweet girl. Look at that! The husky of hami, the yellow coat, the long braid, the yellow truth, the white son, like the girl of hami, they are as enthusiastic and generous.

Summer morning is cool, summer night is charming, summer afternoon is lively, I love summer, I like summer.










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