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2023-07-10 03:51:12




The potala palace was founded in the 7th century AD, covering an area of 410,000 square meters, with an area of 130,000 square meters.

Potala palace inside with a large number of murals, constitute a giant painting art gallery, has murals painted in the nearly two hundred people, has used to more than 10 years of time. Murals of the subject matter, the history of development of Tibetan Buddhism, there is no the lama's life, the process of princess wencheng to Tibet, Tibetan ancient architecture image and a large number of figure of Buddha, king kong is a precious historical pictures of. There are a lot of precious cultural relics and buddhist works of art in the palace of potala. The unworldable tower is located in the temple of the tower. The tower is 14.85 meters high, the tallest tower in the palace, and the tower is covered with gold and is filled with all kinds of jewelry. It costs 112,000 gold. The other towers, which are not as tall as the dalai lama, are worth a lot of gold and jewels.

The potala palace is located in the red mountain, which rises to the top of the mountain according to the mountain potential, and is more than 110 meters high. It is all stone and wood structure, the lower width is narrow, the gold tile roof is high, the structure is rigorous. Blinded by granite bricks, white White House ring to protect the red palace, the attendance in the blue sky on the snow-capped mountains of the foil, is particularly spectacular, asing if is the embodiment of holy and solemn.

Intrauterine collect a large number of statues, murals, the scriptures copies printed, antique jewelry yes culture treasure, has been listed as national key cultural relics protection units and the "world cultural heritage list".






The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world. It is like a giant dragon perched on a vast land in the north of China. The Great Wall is about 12600 miles long. It is the crystallization of the blood and sweat of the ancient Chinese laborers, the symbol of ancient Chinese culture and the pride of the Chinese nation.

Visitors, we have come to the famous badaling Great Wall, on both sides of the mountain, is the pine and cypress, hidden-away east, birds everywhere, gurgling streams, like is full of poetic. When you look far away, you can see that the Great Wall of this area is divided into two mountains, south and north, and it snaked on the ridge of the mountain. The Great Wall is built on the mountain, and it is rolling and rolling. The wall of the wall is paved with neat, huge stones, some of which are two meters long and weigh hundreds of jin. The interior was filled with dirt and stones, and the ground was paved with square tiles. On the outside of the wall, there are two meters of craters. There is a hole in the top and a perforation. Every once in a while, the wall was built with a fort like a square. There is a high and low level in the city, which is called the enemy's arm, which is the place where the watchman and the sergeant stay. The low wall is called the wall, and the height is similar to the wall of the wall.

Here is the beacon tower, also known as the beacon tower, and the yantai. It is an independent building that is not connected to the Great Wall. Once the enemy is coming, the flames are set on fire and the smoke is called the feng.

Today, the Great Wall, which has long lost its military value, has become a world-famous tourist attraction with its unique charm.








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