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2023-07-11 04:32:13




"The evening breeze gently brushed the penghu bay, the white waves in the sand, the lack of coconut water in the palm of the river is just a sea blue..." This is my favorite song, and it describes the story of a little girl and a grandmother, and I think it's the story of my grandmother and I. Since the childhood I live with my grandmother, she is very love me, although sometimes I'm a little capricious, grandma love and bucket bickering, tear, but I think I'm the happiest girl in the world.

My favorite "penghu bay penghu bay grandmother's penghu bay, has many of my childhood fantasy, sunshine beach waves' cactus, 'and there is an old captain, this section describes the blue sky, the beautiful scene of the sea, I listen to the song feeling to the sunshine, the boundless sea, bare feet, and grandma playing on the beach, play, tired lay down on the white sands gulls looked at the sky and the coming of the ship, how sweet, how happy!

I like its lyrics, I like its music, like it brings me happiness!

What's your favorite song? Do you like this song as much as I do? If you like it, join me in a song.






My favorite song, of course, is the song of depression: cooking the rain. But my favorite singer combination is: EXO. Actually I listen to the song because the singers sing well. Of course, I think it's very good.

I generally prefer fast song, but when I heard the time cooking of the rain, I suddenly have the feeling of nostalgia, it seems, are still with a little sad, the lyrics itself bring some sad feeling, plus depressive can only that full of emotional voice, as if suddenly in the depth of my heart out on to the separation of that a moment, with primary school classmates once upon a time the scene scene reflected in the front of my eyes, this is what other songs have not feeling, from then on I was especially fond of listening to this song, when I was listening to the song usually quiet, dull to look at somewhere, at that time, others usually don't bother me, every time I very want to cry.

Sometimes, at night will secretly hiding in the woli cry, occasionally wearing headphones to listen to music, of course, every time I listened to this song to listen to some lively little quick songs, in order to calm mood.







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