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2023-07-11 06:35:01




As the saying goes, "honesty is gold and morality is silver." Honesty is so important to us that anyone should obey it. If you don't have integrity, people will hate you and think you're a bad person.

On that occasion, I have an appointment with a few friends together go to the hospital to see my sick classmate, I go to the hospital, waited a while later, the others after another came, just my little sister has not come downstairs, thought: maybe she already is coming! Because goes something like this, so just wait for a while, but she did not figure, just when I was going to make a phone call, she is coming, the appearance of a foul-smelling, still wearing long sleeves, I didn't know, ask him she had a fever, is your, I let her to head home, but unexpectedly, she said, "be honest, can't promise, I have agreed to go to see her with her, let's go fast, don't let her nasty!" At that time, I was so moved that I was trying to persuade her, but I didn't say anything about her determination.

After this, I never lost the letter, except for once.

On a Saturday morning, my classmate called me to say that I was going to play in the park in the afternoon. I was so happy that I said yes! To noon, I forgot it, afternoon with mother went to the mall, shopping until very late, until passing the park, only think of with classmates in the afternoon about good to go to the park to play, I regretted. When the second day of school, I apologized to her, and illustrates the reason of things, then, we became good friends again, I was very happy, and secretly determined, not anymore.

Let integrity go with us, be a person who speaks good faith!







Honesty is gold, but gold can not buy honesty. Honesty is a mirror, once broken, your personality will crack. We are an honest school in ten fields of oil field, and more than 4,000 students are proud of their honesty.

Integrity must have a goal, we can move towards our goal only if we have a goal. Remember when we first started the honesty campaign, the teacher sent us a piece of paper, signed our name, and formally joined the honest activity. When I signed, I was thinking of honesty and honesty. I must keep my faith and be honest. After signing my name, I remind myself to "be honest".

Under the influence of the wind of honesty, I have a new understanding of honesty and honesty, not just to pick up money, but to keep faith in small things. I was very happy to have a test paper of 99, but I soon found out that there was a wrong teacher who didn't make a deduction. However, the teacher said, "this test is difficult. You can get a small leaf with 99 points." I want little leaves, should I tell the teacher? I thought about the integrity of the school, and I thought of my good faith. Honesty is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. It is the foundation of our people and the path to success. As long as honesty, can not get honesty 100 points? Isn't that more precious than 100 little leaves? So I went to the platform and told the teacher honestly.

Our school also has a series of good faith education activities, such as the morning telling good faith stories, writing three provinces, singing honest songs... Also carefully built the wall "" the analects of Confucius culture, established the" honesty culture wall ", with vivid words and pictures tell us what is the good faith, how to do good faith treats people. Let us be good faith people, let the light of honesty keep us growing, let the flower of honesty bloom in every one of us!








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