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2023-07-12 04:32:01




Friendship is a beautiful and innocent feeling.

People say that friendship is a ray of sunshine that shines in the winter, and makes the poor and sick feel the warmth of the world. Friendship is a fountain that appears in the desert, and brings back the hope of life for those who are on the verge of extinction. Friendship is a warm word, so that the discouraged can get back on their feet and move on...

Friendship is the courage that you have suffered from setbacks and failures that have brought you back to your confidence. One time, I didn't do well in the exam. I was very sad. Week at this time, my good friend walked to come over, she comforted me and said: "Li Chenyue, once didn't test good it doesn't matter, next time we will be able to test good hard, I believe you!" She gave me great encouragement and I did very well on the second test. I thank her very much, her words, to give me confidence in how to handle failure.

Friendship is one of the most important people's wealth. If you have no friends, no friendship, you the man is poor, pathetic, it also makes all wealth and in the world all good things are far away from you. What is the pleasure of living in the world?

Friendship, not necessarily to be in need of a friend, but to be sincere, is the most precious and pure. If anyone has such a friendship, cherish it because it is hard to buy.







There are many kinds of feelings in human life: affection, love... Every kind of feeling, is beautiful, is precious, is unique! The same is true of friendship!

On Saturday, my friends and I went out to play and played and took a break. I looked at them, and suddenly I thought it was nice to have a friend! Friendship makes me happy! Friendship keeps me from being lonely! Friendship with me grows! Friendship helps me and encourages me when I am in trouble. Friendship comfort me when I am sad...

One time, I was in a math class, but I couldn't understand what the teacher was saying. Just as I was anxious, my good friend, strontium-strontium, came over and taught me patiently, explaining to me that I would. That's how I feel -- it's nice to have friends!

Another time, I had a stomachache in school, which happened to be in class. My good friend, feifei, helped me to the doctor's room and comforted me. For her to learn, she will learn less. I advised her to go back, but she did not listen and said, "we are friends!" I heard this sentence, very moved! There are only a few words, but these words warm my heart all the time!

It is very good to have friends, we have to have friends in our life, we should cherish our friends and cherish...









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