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2023-07-19 03:01:02




In the past, China has many milu deer.

However, in the past forty years, the number of milu deer was killed.

With the passage of time, people are beginning to realize the importance of protecting animals.In Beijing, a deer park has been built up.

Now, get the protection of human milu deer.Therefore, the number of it is on the increase.


In North America,the moose range includes almost all of Canada,most of central and western Alaska,much of New England and upstate New York.

In 1978 a few breeding pairs were introduced in western Colorado,and the state's moose population is now more than 1,000

All moose are herbivores and are capable of consuming any type of plant or fruit.

The average adult moose needs to consume 9,770 calories per day to maintain its body weight.

On average,an adult moose stands 1.8–2.1 m (6–7 ft) high at the shoulder.

Males weigh 380–720 kg (850–1580 pounds) and females weigh 270–360 kg (600–800 pounds).


Milu deer used to be common in China long ago.However it disappeared during the last few centuries.

Too manyof the deer had been killed and some weretaken away to England.

The deer liked the cool wetweather in Britain and the number of them increasedthere.

Not long ago, the biggest nature park for miludeer was set up in Beijing.

They got some deer fromBritain in 1985.

Every since then, the number ofmuli deer has grown.

There are more reseach centers for Milu deer in China. Milu deer are welllooked after at present.

It is hoped thatone day there will be so many of them that they can livein the wild again.




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