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2023-08-02 03:38:01



1066:Norman Conquest

In 1066, William, duke of Normandy , led a force of 6,000 men from northern France to defeat King Harold of England in the Battle of Hastings. The Norman Conquest destroyed Englands tie to Scandinavia, instead bringing it into close contact with Western Europe. Within England, Norman French became the language of literature and of both the court and upper classes, and had a great effect on the development of the English language.

1775-1781: American Revolutionary War

The Thirteen Colonies successful war of independence from Great Britain led to the creation of the United States and the establishment of the modern democratic style of government. The Revolution had a great influence on liberal thought throughout Europe, inspiring revolutions in France, and later, in Spains American colonies.

1861-1865: American Civil War

The American Civil War erupted when southern states seceded from the Union in order to form their own nation. The Norths ultimate victory preserved the Union, abolished slavery, and granted citizenship to newly freed slaves. The Civil War also marked the economic and political ascendancy of the rapidly industrializing states of the North.




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