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2023-08-07 07:33:07


Should parents set limits in internet access for their teenage children? Why?

Internet is dangerous if a child has unlimited freedom to use it. Because teenagers are too weak to resist the great tempt. Various online games will cost their almost all-day time. And many kinds of online movies may teach them unhealthy content such as violence. Also, long-time exposure to computer will do great harm to teenager's eyesight. A child addicted to Internet will neglect his study completely. However, the word limit does not mean forbidding. It can't be denied that internet is a very useful tool for learning. In this information age, computer and internet is essential. Adequate access to internet will contribute to teenagers keeping pace with this world. Also, internet is a fine entertainment for students who have study longtime and get tired. So, I think parents should set limits on but not forbid access for their teenager children.

2.Should smoking be prohibited completely in all countries? Why?

Well, it's a quite complex question. Overall, in my opinion, I think smoking shouldn't be completely prohibited in all countries. Let me explain my views.We all know clearly that smoking is very harmful to the smoker's health. Longtime smoking can lead to lung cancer and other serious health problem. Also, smoking in public situation is awful. People around the smoker, especially the children, also suffer from the damage to their health. In spite of all these bad effects mentioned above, however, I still think smoking is indeed needed in our society. For example, when people get tired or anxious, a cigarette can help to release their body as well as spirit. Also, in some social intercourse, cigarette is a essential. In my eyes, I can't imagine what people's life will become if smoking is completely prohibited. There may be many benefits for individuals, but the social will suffer a lot. So, I think smoking should not be prohibited. It is individual effort to make smoking a useful thing.




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